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Flament Olivier
1월 28일2분 분량
JAPAN. control and play along people like puppet.
so in summary. so those japanese method. there is really have no point. about labeling and trying to seek another villain who instead of...
조회수 1회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 28일4분 분량
ATTACK JAPAN then most of crime and conflict and problem will solve.
should talk about japanese crime. that basis on japanese crime and rest of illuminati. so what is important is. when talk about...
조회수 4회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 27일1분 분량
pretending otani fan fucking byung sin scumbags.
alright let's fucking up that fucking psychopath japanese. people you fucking otani fan pretending fuckers. people murdered that is your...
조회수 2회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 27일2분 분량
really need to speak up about what is happening in nowadays.
people keep speak truth. keep attack japanese. can't ignore casualties and damage. shouldn't. then japanese more shitting around. should...
조회수 1회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 26일1분 분량
JAPAN is the suspect who occuring every crime from behind.
Trump wants Jordan and Egypt to accept more refugees and floats plan to 'just clean out' Gaza JAPAN. is the suspect. it confirmed fact....
조회수 0회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 25일8분 분량
i really want those otani fans just kill themselves or get the fuck off. too much bothering.
so problem is otani fans who POW people. that consumable slaves who should sell their pussy after all and dedicate their's wife after all...
조회수 4회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 25일1분 분량
nothing to tricky to talk about JAPANESE CRIME. that you living for and obey for.
so that japanese domination that you guys what you obey for. is the problem in nowadays. how that sad and unfortunate and pathetic...
조회수 2회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 25일3분 분량
people should speak up. and japan is illuminati free mason nation they are the exact one of member and one of them even lead them. JAPAN....
조회수 1회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 24일4분 분량
attack japan criminals and bit coin is concept of mileage points.
keep speak truth and attack japan. japan control every events way of they want to. everyone know that domination and control exist by...
조회수 5회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 24일4분 분량
crime and another crime.
speak up. so. should accuse japanese crime too. when declassify JFK assassination document, just like that. in same context. should...
조회수 2회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 23일1분 분량
simple fact check about japanese otani wins.
there is perspective problem issue. so japan success to kidnapping children. did win. and after that. japan success to rape children....
조회수 1회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 23일2분 분량
fight against to japanese and attacking it.
so people should know. that japanese satanist they instructing to people what to do and how to think and what should speak specific word...
조회수 1회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 23일2분 분량
we know what is situation of nowadays. you can sure about and not confusing. we all know what it is.
people keep speak truth and focus on main issue about global events of attack is nowadays happening. so it very different with then and...
조회수 2회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 22일2분 분량
keep speak truth and keep attack JAPAN.
japanese will keep lying. never trust them. blame japan correctly. and never trying to allow make them innocent. it is JAPANESE. PLAN....
조회수 2회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 22일3분 분량
global crime is happening in real time.
so anyways. there is global issue. that politics maybe. people could be feel only about trump vs biden issue. but not talk about...
조회수 2회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 22일4분 분량
should consider zelensky as war criminals. and JAPANESE compare method problem.
awareness correction. zelensky is war criminals. so as we according to fact, we should treat him as official war criminals. as japanese...
조회수 2회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 21일2분 분량
ATTACK JAPAN. and nothing to talk about.
only see actual reality. crime happened. casualties and damage was there. but suspect didn't get caught didn't arrested. JAPAN. joe biden...
조회수 4회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 21일1분 분량
people keep speak truth and attack japanese. japan decide things. means. japan occuring every events. according to their own intention...
조회수 2회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 21일2분 분량
speak up loudly and do not feel tricky to talk about.
situation brief. first of all. trump is back. and problem is. japan control him from behind and should cut off that japanese. Teen who...
조회수 4회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 20일5분 분량
it was happened so much loudly and clearly, that can't even cover up this.
let's speak truth. and blame what should to blame. crime happened. and it was even TREND. it faking itself as trend and decieve people...
조회수 3회댓글 0개
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