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Flament Olivier
1월 11일2분 분량
admit "japanese global war activities attack" has been existed. officially should discussed internationally.
also people function is important. nation goverment of coursely they compromise and care about only profit. and they also take life...
조회수 3회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 10일2분 분량
people who "pick a side" is actual target and subject of exploit.
so should attack japan and speak truth. and let's think about what is exactly "los angeles" ?? the place where the pedophiles gathering....
조회수 4회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 10일2분 분량
pointless dog cop and nothing to each others but harmful and kill each others.
is it really difficult? just admit. "japan is enemy". then just what is problem? just say it. no one care. who not accuse japan then that...
조회수 2회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 10일1분 분량
US trying to cover up israel war crime.
US House passes bill to sanction ICC over Israeli PM Netanyahu, Gallant arrest warrants. so, ICC trying to arrest netanyahu, then US...
조회수 5회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 9일2분 분량
only one single issue that should talk about. every rest of issue on this earth is fraud and scam.
so . japan did war crime. it is fact. should discussed officially. about this damage and casualties. death. genocide vaccine bio weapons....
조회수 0회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 9일2분 분량
cowardness is the problem. and can know what is truth.
"cowardness" read this with your own self. "cowardness" you can understand every truth. cowardness is problem. not there is confusing or...
조회수 2회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 9일3분 분량
blame japan then naturally thing is correct.
so. leftist just yelling like omg!! trump you must explain this!!! japan did crime to leftist but why you not tell anything??? you must...
조회수 6회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 7일2분 분량
japanese psychopathic obsseession. when satanist have weird obssession.
Tencent (chinese video game company) Shares Decline After US Adds Company to Chinese Military Blacklist 6.8-magnitude earthquake hits...
조회수 3회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 7일6분 분량
speak the "word of truth".
should loudly speak up. do not feel tricky to say it. if we not care about own rights then no one speak instead of you. trump didn't...
조회수 8회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 6일1분 분량
there is no reason to do otani fans. at all.
South Korean anti-corruption agency asks police to take over efforts to detain impeached Yoon North Korea fired an unknown ballistic...
조회수 0회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 6일1분 분량
what humanity really need?
people keep speak up. insane garbage japanese did all that insane genocide and rape children. and mocking victims death. should...
조회수 2회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 5일1분 분량
simple summary of what was happened. actual reality. fact. and history.
summary of 2020 joe biden treason. and now 2025. joe biden did treason fraud election. mandate vaccine bio weapons. let's make it happen...
조회수 2회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 4일2분 분량
JAPAN = ILLUMINATI keep attacking humanity for genocide. should stop this.
Kenneth Winestein, an East Asian expert in the United States, said, "The next administration of the Donald Trump will continue to...
조회수 6회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 4일1분 분량
see the reality and situation.
Republican Mike Johnson reelected House speaker in dramatic floor vote Judge sets Trump’s sentencing in hush money case for Jan. 10, but...
조회수 3회댓글 0개
![every leftist and otani fans be like.](
Flament Olivier
1월 4일2분 분량
every leftist and otani fans be like.
5 things we know and still don’t know about COVID, 5 years after it appeared It’s time to roll up your sleeves for new COVID, flu shots...
조회수 10회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 3일1분 분량
attack japan enemy and do not listening to their insturction or intimidate. decide thing with your own self.
so it is war situation. not japanese provide you to wild hot sex. japan doing killing your nation and every humanity. never trust...
조회수 0회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 3일1분 분량
do not play along japanese crime. accuse it.
people keep speak truth and do not play along japanese lying and their crime. what people doing is support japanese crime. not even just...
조회수 0회댓글 0개
![how japanese provoke people and seeking information from people reaction?](
Flament Olivier
1월 2일2분 분량
how japanese provoke people and seeking information from people reaction?
just like this. there is some when before getting trouble. pre-exploration about those weird information check. trying to check about...
조회수 6회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 2일2분 분량
way of how media news talk about is revealing truth in their lying.
US Army veteran who killed 15 in New Orleans attack was inspired by Islamic State so that is the how media news talk about. if see the...
조회수 1회댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
1월 2일2분 분량
how insane psychopath attack getting worse?
so should speak up. zelensky cut off gas to europe. they slightly testing people. trying to see people resist or not even resist. then...
조회수 2회댓글 0개
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