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Flament Olivier
5시간 전4분 분량
accuse crime what should accuse about.
and even that epstein list is still not solved. that is focus. why. because tessa violet hate it. if solve that epstein case officially...
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Flament Olivier
3일 전6분 분량
let's make it "not" happen. - how to make low about their expectation rate about murder game.
speak truth and do not participate that murder game. let's make it happen. that is the what movie purge game. and that is the what civli...
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Flament Olivier
3일 전6분 분량
speak out "this" conversation about worry and anxiety we have. in nowadays. it is TREND.
nowadays is worry and anxiety about japan tessa violet war crime let's make it happen. that kills people and our children rape. and...
조회수 2회
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Flament Olivier
4일 전7분 분량
why people compromise? to psychopath. because there is fear. "fear" that we can't even imagine. = cowardness.
so also. horror movie longlegs. it is about how victims turn into compromised to psychopath killer because there is serious fear and...
조회수 0회
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Flament Olivier
5일 전3분 분량
天龍八部之喬峰傳 Sakra 2023. so trying to just talk about movie that i watched recently. it really nice. story is about "hero" who take false...
조회수 2회
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Flament Olivier
5일 전5분 분량
logic and common sense.
people. is it difficult? to detecting suspect and know about "crime case". it is simple. and basis on logic. everyone know "let's make it...
조회수 0회
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Flament Olivier
2월 21일2분 분량
"regardless" those people. not my concern people. "them".
people. let's speak truth and let's accuse japan. regardless. whatever fucking fame celebrities fuckers trendy hot wild sex bullshit....
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Flament Olivier
2월 20일4분 분량
my thought when i walk path of messianic activities.
so. when i doing messiahnic activities for myself. i was tried understand jesus. really hard. when for myself went through that path of...
조회수 10회
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Flament Olivier
2월 20일4분 분량
agree with leftist japan is just criminals. lack of smart. something just people who living life like cheap retarded. criminals. you...
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Flament Olivier
2월 20일7분 분량
how people treat you ???
omg? really? JAPAN didn't sabotage attack ?? let's make it happen? crime? oh~~ i agree with you~~ #stand with you~~ woaaah~~~ yeaaah~ so...
조회수 7회
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Flament Olivier
2월 20일8분 분량
pointless bullshit that japanese instruction performing minions.
so vance or trump or trump jr. zelensky you will losing your allowy allowance zelensky you will regret!! zelensky you will facing...
조회수 2회
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Flament Olivier
2월 18일3분 분량
how to testing your testosterone. that could be your last time.
so. accuse japan. if you not obey to japan. if that is not what you obey for. is not a japan? right? then there is no reason to not...
조회수 2회
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Flament Olivier
2월 16일4분 분량
people get killed and dying everyday. and there is no official responde about that crime. should talk about this with all together.
so people speak up. nothing tricky. it is what politics we should care about. for actual our daliy life issue. joe biden treason....
조회수 2회
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Flament Olivier
2월 15일2분 분량
im offended but you are not.
i can't understand why people want to be "pretenders". is that what you want to be? trying to be pretenders? there is world. there is...
조회수 1회
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Flament Olivier
2월 14일4분 분량
pointless pretending and evil crime keep "happens" according to your pretending.
japanese satanist demons kill humanity. and trump occupied and compromise to zelensky and israel and japan. that is situation. people who...
조회수 3회
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Flament Olivier
2월 14일3분 분량
"when there is crime. then pretending follows to it."
"when there is crime. then pretending follows to it." explanation about humanity history in nowadays 2025 right now. the historical...
조회수 5회
댓글 0개

Flament Olivier
2월 13일2분 분량
same scenario same trend same buisness same crime same method.
people should do this "SHIT" pretending. and #stand with taiwan. every let's make it happen sabotage attack is japan is suspect exact. so...
조회수 12회
댓글 0개
Flament Olivier
2월 13일3분 분량
world politics = global crime.
so in nowadays. we should need to aware that, "world politics" means = "global crime". so media news talk about that crime achievment....
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Flament Olivier
2월 13일9분 분량
word joke. distraction and mocking method. no one fooled but there was intimidate.
should accuse those crime let's make it happen. trend. using trend. and word joke basis on. and purposely occuring crime. and achieve...
조회수 0회
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Flament Olivier
2월 12일2분 분량
"conflict" and "rape children."
so when i get mad. i could throw stuff on ground real hard!! ueee!! im get mad!! i appealing myself im get mad!!!! but? what is those...
조회수 2회
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