so. when i doing messiahnic activities for myself.
i was tried understand jesus. really hard.
when for myself went through that path of messiahnic behave.
now i reallize what was jesus was. maybe. in my personal opinions.
as a who walked path of that same path that jesus walked.
while i doing that activities. i think really many things.
so what was i realized. when for myself doing almost jesus like messihanic activities. for save humanity.
but. what i noticed was.
in bible. that story tellings about jesus was killed in that story.
means it was murder case.
i think like that.
and jesus was murdered by "false god" he believed.
and what was "believers of jesus"?? they sacrificed for fun torture of proving faith.
isn't it?
that is exactly point of this "crime of earth."
and why jesus murdered?. because that "false god" wanted just people sacrifice with their faith.
endureing torture and abusing. and consumed by fun entertaining "martyrdom" method of murder crime.
when i think about. why jesus died in story?. get killed.
seems maybe between that "false god" and jesus.
maybe trouble occured in that relationship.
maybe jesus noticed that lying. so that false god killed jesus.
i think like that.
why there is "trouble"?? in between false god and jesus.
jesus betryed by false god he believed and get killed.
i think like that bible.
there is many error in that story.
reference this about "false god" traits.
earth god is false god-like being who is not a god but abusing and torute humanity and killed jesus.
what is bible says? story.
jesus murdered in that story.
then it is murder case. and should investigation.
that is correct common sense.
there is fucking murder case happened and feel like justifying it and sacrificed ???
i don't believe that shit.
feel like trump and vance not trying to investigation and arrest zelensky.
same thing.
there was crime happened. and need to investigation.
that is all. in common sense.
so "false god" wanted "consumeable" for abusing and torture.
and jesus was used on this fraud scam crime case.
and when jesus noticed it.
that false fraud scam god killed jesus.
abusing and torture is purpose.
how "false god-like being" consume humanity.
method is clear.
this crime case must be investigated and accuse correct exact suspect and should kill it.
i think like that.
crime happened. then accuse it.
and how jesus was died?
labeling. frame. blame. same method what leftist do always.
otani fans. jesus was killed by otani fans.
should say like that.
otani fans.
labeling. mocking. frame. blame.
and jesus died for our sin~~~
otani fans did killed jesus.
that is fact.
otani fans 200years ago. they killed jesus.
and we watching otani fans 2000years later.
that jesus killers. = otani fans.
same thing.
so if you do otani fans. that means you are murderer of jesus.
you are not just murderer and rapist of children.
but you also murderer of jesus. at same time.
"labeling" and "false allegation"
very sounds familiar in nowadays either.
we know this method. and used to.
how killed jesus. labeling. false allegation.
otani fans. jewish. japanese. feel like zelensky. and feel like netanyahu.
jesus murderer.
they are the jesus murderer.
i really feel it nowadays.
when while went through those same method of crime.
wow really jesus was been hard and tough about those otani fans methods!!
labeling and frame and false allegation.
and it feel offensive. but i can't believe when at that moment. when jesus was get killed by labeling and false allegation.
but people though that like "sacrifice for our sin" like.
should accuse crime. and accuse blame otani fans labeling method and false allegation.
isn't it?
but people didn't at that moment.
that is disappointment. crime happened. let's make it happen.
labeling. false allegation.
crime happened. but people don't even attempt accuse it. about that murder case.
because maybe feel tricky to say it when in that trend.??
feel like it wans't trend??? at that time???
but. i think that is problem.
why people at that time they didn't opposite against to those "intended trend" for purpose of labeling and false allegation.
don't even did attempt trying to solve that crime issue actually.
but weird faith.
feel like omg why jesus was died was because jesus trying to forgive our sin~~~
no. jesus get killed by labeling and false allegation by otani fans!!!
should tell that to them.
when at that time. when jesus was get killed. when crime was let's make it happend by otani fans.
i think that is something should reflect and criticize about that people behave.
that was wrong.
when there was intended TREND and intentionally labeling and false allegation.
should accuse it and blame it.
i think that is correct.
but jesus was get killed by otani fans and jewish and zelensky and trump and vance.
right? and also joe biden and democrats and leftist and also bit coin counting on right wing people.
i think like that.
i felt like that. for myself.
so jesus was murdered by otani fans, and japanese, and zelensky, and ukrainians who want money, and netanyahu and israel people and jewish and joe biden and trump and vance and big pharma and big tech.
same thing.
leftist did killed jesus. you are murderer. otani fans. did that same killing.
labeling and frame. and false allegation.
otani wins~
#stand with Pontius Pilate.
so it is how in moderndays when we look back that accident again.
about "murder case of jesus".
2000years later. if we fact check about this.
so that is my opinions and perspective. about that case.
but seems "that days people" was very wrong at that moment.
they didn't accused about wrong.
when there was wrong.
should reflect it to our own selves.
for not same mistake they did.
learn from history. and reflect it to ourselves. and see the situation of nowadays. and apply it.
so should accuse that otani fans jesus murderer.
if we can find wrong about that past crime case.
then should fix it. and should apply it and reflecting to ourselves.
and speak up.