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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

so there is differnce between

informed unvaccinated, and not-informed vaccinated people.

informed unvaccinated people listen.

advice for you.

they will using "fear".

just as always been.

what is marburg pandemic is.

media news will fear mongering. just like same.

but it is viral hemorrhagic fever. so it have impact.

and even if you unvaccinated, but you could occuring marburg sytmpoms.

because vaccine nano particles are shedding.

so even if small amount of nano partilces you have possiblity have it.

then you could occuring symtpoms.

but don't get panic.

and do not trying to fear it. and do not trying to heal it with vaccine.

as much you can.

and if you need to get medical science help, then should ask doctors to treat about only in category with, "physical injury, wound".

means not a virus category.

means not a illeness. it is "wound".

but maybe you will see leftist who vaccinated many times.

means who have a lot amount of nano prticle than yours.

they could makes you fear you. when they occuring symptoms.

but if you are informed about situation.

then aware, you also could have small amount of nano partilce anyways, because there is chemtrails and shedding from people.

so what is important is.

if you could discover small red dot on your body.

then do not panic. and of coursely we know what is vaccine is.

and media news will do propaganda and fear mongering.

but shouldn't fool by this.

but if you need doctors help then should ask doctors

different treatment excluding vaccine.

and as much you can. with best. shoudl trying to heal that with just natural remedies.

and actually doctors shouldn't compromise and should approch marburg patient treat their damage with not virus vaccine ,

but physical injury.

so. also

uninformed vaccinated people.

you could feel serious fear. if they attempt that.

because it is from inside of body, something happen.

so it occuring serious massive fear.

important thing is.

preventing is only solution.

actually there is no way.

shoudl speak truth. and "let's make it not happen".

except that. there is actually no solution about this.

murder japanese.

actually. leftist who vaccinated. then you must desperately should murder japanese.

not a obey to them.

who is most dangerous is leftist.

and never trust media news.

or if they also using massive fear of pandemic this time.

then they could also attempt qurantine camp.

that actually concentration camp like NAZI aushwitzs.

never fool.

military could kill people who unvaccinated.

because excuse of virus.

but also vaccinated people will be slaughtered inside of concentration camp.

because it is depopulation.

when there is pandemic out break. that occuring massive fear and chaos.

then millitary will attempt control.

and announce emergency and feel like

omg~ people you must gathering on something camp!! come here!! for your safety~~!! military will protect you!!

never fool by this.

if you go there.

then you die.

so best thing is.

prevent it.

"let's make it not happen".

murder japanese. and make them shut the fuck up.

"shut the fuck up."

just say it to japanese and leftist scumbags.

"shut the fuck up".

and murder them.

murder japanese!!


not a we should talk about,

stay away from 5G tower then we should leave city??

or preparing food and water...?

and die with marburg 5G nano partilces

and worry about concentration camps.


i means. why we even should worry about this????

what is means.

solution is

just fucking speak truth and murder japanese.


not make thing getting worse and difficult.

if we speak truth and if we murder japanese.

then don't need to even do that shit.

and actually what is our rights is we don't need to even do that.

preventing is best.

speak truth and make them can't even attempt it.

make shut the fuck up japanese.

and make people can't even attempt pretending.

speak truth !!!

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