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it is for yours leftist!!! your!! your supporting!! according to your supports they rape children and buy gun and weapons for kill americans.

look at those democrat voters and LGBTQ+ army. and hot dog special force.

that leftist did supported it. it is your great works that leftist you did.


why leftist support this???

what the fuck is point??

is that some fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog force. ??

very strong hot dog army is prepared and get ready.

leftist is criminals. just insane psychopath rebelion groups that trained and raised by satanist japanese.

so there is external threaet of unofficial army of drug cartels for ready for war.

and also "enemy with in". the leftist who criminals obey and support to those crime.

should speak truth and arm yourself and kill japanese.

i want say this.

do not fear and do not obey.

and kill japanese.

i will tell you secrets.

when there was maduro attempted CIA failed to assassinate him.


kill mexico drug cartels is not that difficult thing.

it is easy. they actually die with 1 second.

only bullshit is those retardeds never know what is truth and reality is.

just speak truth.

problem is pentagon is compromised and surrender.

so actually not mexico drug catels is threat.

real threat is leftist.

because joe biden kamala harris allow them purposely for attack US.

do you think mexico drug cartels can win??

actually not.

they die.

but because kamala harris allow it.

not CIA failed to attempt assination maduro.

do you think CIA have no ability to just only kill venezuela douchebags??

if they do . it is easy thing that just killing venezuela douchbags .

they didn't. and have no will to do that.

that is problem.

speak truth and make people can't even attempt pretending.

goverment is in treason crime. that is problem.

inform every military soldiers and social members to know there is treason.

and speak up.

and attack "japanese" who control from behind.

those mexico cartels or venezuela gangs are japanese unofficial army that japanese attacking US.

speak truth.

civilian get killed and children raped and court is attacked.

and goverment overthrow with fraud election. treason crime democrats.

speak truth why support your own death?

agree with vaccine bio weapons. and injecting that bio weapons to your ownself for obey and surrender.

and supporting japanese otani wins~ and shogun dominate~

and allow border wide open for mexico drug cartles.

what leftist exactly doing? are you political??

throw away your bullshit fake politics lying.

and just speak truth .

kill that otani and shogun bullshit with gun.

before everyone die and every children raped by mexican taco eaters and japanese.

arm yourself and using gun.

use gun!!!

why there is gun is there?!!!

for using it for murder japanese when they rape your children.

that is why there is gun is invented.

trying to kill japanese!!!

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