A Judas goat is a trained goat used in animal herding. Judas goats are trained to associate with sheep or cattle and lead them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter[
where japan they mislead into where?? to ?
porn, snuff, crime, violence, stimulation, way of "they" want to
"it happenes because of japan want to".
"that is what about japan want to talking about because they want to"
japan LEAD every crime and every vaccine, pandemic, zionism, smart city, whatever bad thing is japan doing it.
and thing is happen according to japanese want to.
that cover up japan. that support japan. that defending japanese . that represent japanese opinions.
thing is happen, is how japan want to talking about.
japan talking through those crime, and accident, and diplomatic, and crisis they made up. for themselves.
psychopath pedophile situation.
japan : hey guys?~ did you hear that??? boy is arrested!! how could..?!! it so surprise~~~ boy is arrested!!!! boy is arrested~~!! amazing!! boy is arrested!!!!! did you hear that??? boy is arrested!!! that happened!!!
um... yeah.. that is tragedy. by the way.
why you so much looks like excited and happy and so much favorite about when you talking it???
are you?..... never mind...
japan : and ~ we will gonna doing party~~~~ and we will gonna wild sex~~ and ties and buckled~~~~~~!!
um... so you feel like gonna party.. for celebrate something???? and you want to do make ties or buckles??... um....