so people speak up.
nothing tricky. it is what politics we should care about. for actual our daliy life issue.
joe biden treason.
japanese war sabotage attack.
zelensky money laundry.
israel war crime.
their world war 3 plan.
vaccine bio weapons.
trump compromised and talk about zionism.
that is actual issue we should speak up. and talk about.
anyone can talk about this.
and should have to.
but japanese keep make it happen and kill people and rape children.
and intimidate.
we can't trust person who enemy occupied and linstening japanese instruction. including elon musk too.
they doing secret tasks, japanese instructions.
how we can trust them?
then should accuse "this".
and we know.
when joe biden did mandate vaccine.
why leftist couldn't? speak up?
as same like,
trump and elon musk did also pandemic budget pass and follow japanese instructions.
it is same moment. that dangerous.
and should accuse it.
and trump didn't even arrest joe biden. at all.
accuse it. why not doing that.
why there was crime. didn't even accused. didn't even metioned discussed that issue.
what about japanese war crime attack on civlian and children??? and many famous celebrities died. for joke nothing.
many civlian killed. and children raped cruelly murdered.
but official goverment and military is they also doing japanese let's make it happen war sabotage with themselves.
with that circumstances.
how we can not concern about own safety concern?
it must speak up. loudly.
there is crime. but there is no any responde about that.
and we must speak up accuse this and ask to people goverment military to everyone to blame it and investigation and trial about that crime.
and officially declare and revealing every issue clearly.
but media news also they just doing word joke. that is all.
and people keep die.
speak up.
A Judas goat is a trained goat used in animal herding. Judas goats are trained to associate with sheep or cattle and lead them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter[1] while its own life is spared. Judas goats are also used to lead other animals to specific pens and onto trucks. They have fallen out of use in recent times,[2] but can still be found in various smaller slaughterhouses in some parts of the world, as well as conservation projects.
never trust japan and tessa violet and related any person who have that symptoms of "secret tasks" or purpose and violenceful behave and satanic attitude, person who using word joke, world method, or trend, let's make it happen, fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog, boy arrested, pregnant teenager dies, new born baby dies, such a kind of stuff,
becareful and aware this to people.
and world TREND and politics,
LGBTQ+ brain chip implant, vaccine, bit coin, smart city, 5g tower,
transhumanism. kind of,
it is not buisenss but leads you into sluaghter.
vaccine side effect, brain chip implant, bit coin, RESET, murder rape, children sex trafficking, dangerous crime, abusing and torture,
and of coursely. do not trust trump or elon. naturally.
keep stay in FACT. and situation.
remember. when joe biden did mandate vaccine.
when same moment is there. then that is first.
not get vaccinated. is first concern.
so what if trump or elon suggest brain chip implant?
then how apply it?
not get any chip implant. right?
that is first. you like trump and you like elon. you support them. i know.
i like them too.
when situation is real. then get real.
i guess rightwing people may know what im trying to talk about.
should keep ever vigilent. keep awaken. never fool. by this evil world.
and survive well. nicely.
and leftist maybe there is many thing you need to learn and study about reality that you didn't knew before than right wing side people.
right wing have informed already so they know thing and understanding thing and situation better.
but leftist you need effort.
vaccine. LGBTQ+. #stand with ukraine. let's make it happen. otani wins.
people agree with you.
people RT your tweet. agree with you.
celebrities gives a shit to you.
feel like so nice. fascinating.
know some crime and cool. wow!!!
get some money and fame!!
looks like nice. isn't it?
there is murder rape you likes. porn and snuff you likes.
aren't you?
swapping your wife. wild hot sex. ties. buckled.
boy is arrested. how excite and stimulation and amazing isn't it?
pregnant teenager and it dies.
new born baby dies.
and abusing people who you hate.
labeling it and blame it!!!
how fucking sweet is that?
when you follow this.
that leads you into death slaughter hell.
japan is illuminati nation just same like israel and ukraine.
and every rest of globalist deepstate.
JAPAN. is the leader and who wrote scenario and decide target and sabotage attack and psy op.
it basis on JAPAN word joke. japanese personal hate who they want to kill.
japanese personal scenario they want to made up bullshit story.
crime basis on japanese favorite.
japan decide those diplomatic issue and trouble and conflict.
and their association, israel and ukraine and many other occupied nation.
there is no difference in every nation is actually same.
your nation my nation their nation.
they obey to japan. and occupied. and dedicate their children for japanese rape it.
so that is why should speak up.
that every nation is have same issue actually.
in europe, US asia china russia mid east africa everywhere is same.
they are globalist. and buisness that children rape.
and violence.
many criminals invovle to that genocide and murder rape children.
and making their wishes.
trying to get some chance.
easy to know.
as many otani fans do. others also same.
easy to know. why?
many of you did that before. then you can know what "others"? do?
they do same thing.
they pretending same. talk like same. acting jerk. lying.
talk anything posivtive about japan.
because they also instructed that for money.
that just naturally typically everyone know.
intimidate. compromise. expectation.
can kill people who you want to kill.
can rape people who you want to rape.
and abusing and torture. and labeling.
same method everywhere.
and they talk differently.
same thing. like you doing.