i can't understand why people want to be "pretenders".
is that what you want to be?
trying to be pretenders?
there is world.
there is evil. powers. psychopath pedophiles.
there is pretenders.
who obey to otani wins and shogun dominate.
those people.
who just doing otani fans~ . pretending.
vaccinate!! vaccinate! make apointment!!!
pls hurry ~ come on vaccine~~ i got nothing~
#stand with ukraine~~~~~~~
otani wins~~~~~~~~~~~!!! wild hot sex~~~~!!!!
i think that is most lowest level of human being. that pointless.
at least, rightwing is have conservative mind is that basis on common sense.
little bit better. but they also obey.
so. for myself i can't understand those people why they not want to be,
just "one individual who have it's own rights."
basis on democracy. and common sense.
as rightful.
very nice. talk about wrong. and accuse crime. and claim own rights.
when japanese violate your rights. then accuse it.
of coursely.
and disagree to vaccine or bit coin or brain chip implant.
that is common sense that every people should have.
but unfortunately. people can't do that. that is they are the one who dumb downed people.
who disadvantaged people about their life. and victims.
who should rape their wife for japanese and who should dedicate their children and burn down their house but can't even talk back.
and pretending.
victims. and slaves. and losers. and oppressed by tryanny.
but cowards. and weaks. and nothing. and garbages.
pretending is their job about this world.
there is "world".
and there is evil.
and there is "pretenders".
and somehow.
but also there is people exist like me.
who have common sense. and righteous.
and one rightful individual who have knowing to how to claim own rights.
and speaking it.
just like me.
speaking it about that common sense and accuse crime.
not encourage crime and encourage rape children.
but accuse it. and blame it. rightfully. speaking it.
not a pretending and support that "let's make it happen"
children rape buisenss.
not a pretending like scumbags who want blood of children death money.
not a like that.
it's opposite.!!!!
accuse it!!!
but. somehow.
people don't like it. they feel offended. why?
why you offended?
im offended.
seriously about to you.
im offended seriously when you rape children and lying and pretending.
can you understand?
im offended because of your pretending. that pretending kills children and rape children.
im offended. but not you.
you are not offended.
you shouldn't offended fucking scumbags.
admit that fact.