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최종 수정일: 2월 13일

should accuse those crime let's make it happen.

trend. using trend. and word joke basis on.

and purposely occuring crime. and achieve what they want to .

kill people and kill children. and intimidate every others.

and make people obey to ugly japanes otani wins and shogun dominate.

people should do that for not trying to die.

because japan kill people. and kill children.

people shrink with fear.

knowing truth. but while even knowing truth.

but there is nothing we can do.

and that desperation and stress people abusing people.

and that abusing also just goes into mind control.

people just play along by japan and tessa violet like idiot puppet.

that really sad reality that reality is happening now.

people. you acting like that. exactly.

you abused. you intimidated.

and you obey to japan.

you acting like that.

that is not your own choice. not your will to choose you want acting like that.

but forced. and intimidated.

so you vaccinated. did #stand with ukraine. you did let's make it happen.

but that is given from japanese. with intimidate.


that is, suggested by japan. and foreced and mandated by japan through intimidate of those crime.

people dies, get shoted, stabbing, chlidren raped, boy arrested, baby head cut off.

you know japan tessa violet did that.

people you know this.

that is why.

you should pretending you listening to them. and you pretending you believe them.

even knowing that is simple word joke.

who fooled? word. word is same. word is sounds similar.

then what?

no one fooled by that word joke.

but because people murdered and children raped.

so you pretending.

because "know".

if you confused. you not acting like that.

then japan tessa violet can't achieve their purpose.

so truth didn't coverd up from first place and always been actually.

truth was always been there.

becuase if you people really confusing about suspect.

then you not obey to them.

that is those word joke that nobody fool. no one care about actually.

people died. but reason is because word is same. word is similar.

but they did that because for fun. wild hot sex.

children rape.

they did that for fun. and wild hot sex. children rape.

word joke is nothing.

but intimidate was there.

people died.

by japan. and tessa violet.

everyone know this.

speak up.

speak what you people already know but couldn't before.

it really disgusting. satanist cult believers.

there is many imposters.

but it easy to know who is satanist hidden spy agents for military purpose.

word joke method. weird mocking jerk attitude.

and they can't faking themselves about their purpose and crime.

and they obey to japanese.

and intimidate people.

and mocking victims.

fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog. boy arrested.

pregnant teenager dies.

and that is feel like wild hot sex.

they are satanic cult believers. that not a sane normal people.

but who doing military purpose.

completely different.

otani fans. they are not just joke people.

it is unofficial army of japanese war purpose.

and many people lost their lives and even including children.

but feel like those crime is stimulation for them.

fun entertainment of word joke crime.

that actually sabotage attack.

not a local crime. planned. designed like that way. for word basis joke.

and organized labeling and frame and intimidate purposes.

should talk about "this" correctly.

not even people don't know this method.

it was TREND.

many people was did involved to this.

and there was even commercial for this.

and children murdered by that.

they mocking it and fun of it.

those are satanist people.

who have cult religion and wrong faith.

about violence and evil.

can't say those people is represent common sense and reality.

their opinions is about new born baby dies, or boy arrested, or pregnant teenager dies.

that is their "belief". what almost religion level of faith they believe in.


completely different people. don't need to listening to them.

feel like they have opinions. but always about word joke. nothing. but bullshit.


porn. snuff. stimulation. murder rape. baby eating.

that is all.

they are not represent any political, social opinions.

not a trend.


weaponized trend by satanic cult belief basis on.

worship about violence.

they worship violence. kill. murder. rape. missing kidnapping.

8years old children died!!!! new born baby dies!!!!

teenager arrested!!!!

they concern about what they want to.

because they want to like to favorite about. themselves.

just psychopath. for entertaining. and fun. wild hot sex.

but that is crime. not a entertaining. nothing is fun. about.

nothing wild hot.

people died and children raped.

who think fucking that is hot wild sex bullshit trend??

but only way to pretending to psychopath is somehow people think that is some surviving strategy.

pretending. agree. #stand with.

it is not something fear about.

should accuse it.

crime happened.

but... why people just can't speak up and miserable from this.

it just naturally should accept it.

"crime happened".

and there is no another opinions.

do not shrink with fear.

because it is crime. happened.

of coursely that makes you fear.

that is naturally like that.

why not?

japan killed people and rape children.

who not fear this?

we fear this.

so we accuse this.

that is common sense.

what is fear and courage is.

how i felt was.

when people die.

how dare you turn your back and run from that??

do not ignore that.

really. seriously.

there is moment that maybe very in second people decide it.

it feel like. too much fast. that moment is just real fast.

people decide it.

when there is something "happens".

people suddenly decide turn back and ignore this.

becasue maybe that is what fear means is.

and that is maybe not there is some process about worry and considering that.

it happens at moment.

i don't want hear that truth. i don't want know that truth.

that is not truth that i wanted....

omg... i don't know what to do... i will ignore this.

people not think this. but choose this almost instinct.

feel like. just can't explain it.

but i think many people ignore and turn back at moment.

when there is really something fear is there.

when crime is "happens".

then actually we can't properly responde to this.

we just don't know what to do. at that moment.

that is what fear is.

and actually people can't even notice it.

for myself. because i was knew. i was sure.

just naturally japan. did that.

but from people perspsective.

you was have always chance to choose side.

maybe that is problem.

so there was many option you can choose.

blame that crime. or not blame that crime.

but you can pick what you want.

but shouldn't ignore that crime.

it keep make thing worse and worse.

so really want to say.

do not ignore, when there is "wrong" happens.

really. seriously.

shouldn't ignore that.

maybe that always same moment.

when joe biden did mandate vaccine.

why people couldn't? why couldn't speak up at that moment??

at that right moment right there.

because it tricky?

but people be like, just.. couldn't.!!

so also trump recently also doing very zionism and imposter thing we can see what he doing exactly.

then should accuse it.

right wing side. never do same mistake that leftist did before when joe biden did that treason and vaccine mandate and many wrong.

and also now leftist you can speak up.

never feel tricky.

it's okay. and should have to. rightfully.

and always ask question.

why couldn't? at that moment.

why turn your back and run from that. why ignore that.

but fear is there.

true fear is like that. we can't even notice it.

but just suddenly turn away and ignore it.

but should facing this. and speak up.

rightfully speak up.

and anyways after all.

many people damaged. rather than. just speak truth with all together.

we don't need to fear this with all together.

rather speak up with all together.

but many of people want to compromise to sweet violence murder rape children blood death wild hot sex.

so it difficult. that makes this difficult. that compromise.

actually we can talk about accuse that wrong and fix this thing.

but some of are choose side.

because they know there is money and rape children.

so they want rape children.

so they lying and talk differently with truth.

trying to rape children because they want to that.

and that can't faking.

we know what they trying to want to do.

let's make it happen.

i know what you doing. you scumbags.

actually people know.

but because you know.

people stabbed get shoted murdered raped plane crash and fire brun down head cut off.

but that not means, people not knowing truth. they know it very well.

so there is many otani fans satanist children rape baby eaters psychopath zionist evil criminals.

they are the problem. they compromise easily.

and sacrfice others for their wishes desire. wild hot sex. fame. success. buisenss. money.

and people died. children died.

and it kill each others.

people kill each others. for making their wishes for wild hot sex porn snuff they likes.

they kill others. they recommend vaccine each others.

they agree with #stand with ukraine each others.

they encourage let's make it happen and even die by it but they keep make it happen.

it is insanity.

but how about?

accuse it? and speak up.

not we sacrifice and killing each others according to japanese play along.

but we accuse that crime with together.

that is correct. common sense.

because why people so much "let's make it happen"?

omg~~!! should kill others!! not me!!! not me!! but kill that others!! others!! kill otherse!! pls don't do that to me!! but do that to otherse!!

people trying to acting like that.

so they labeling and frame to others and want to be safe from japanese crime.

with that "otani fans" behave.

pick a side. and trying to wanting to sacrifice others but not you.

for your safety concern.

and people kill each others. and japan play along. it is insane.

what is otani fans is?

when japan kill murder slaughtering people.

how people protect themselves?

omg~ im yourside!! don't do that crime to me!! but do that to otheres!!

that is compromise.

there is crime. but not think about accuse it and solve that issue.

but trying to just irresponsible and wanting to frame your fear and anxiety into others.

omg you take it!! you take this worry and anxiety and fear!!

and they just never think about resist to japanes crime at all.

but trying to just avoid conflict. and being safe. so they sacrifice others instead of themselves.

and that just. japanese control people like puppet with that.

they play along. and kill sluaghtering people and children with that.

shouldn't never agree and never pretending to japanese.

just blame them. and accuse them.

do not fool and play along by them.

speak up. rightfully.

that "cowardness"

but people listen.

it is not trying to insulting.

can understand?

that cowardness is feel like more like,, some encylopedia meaning definition of "cowardness".

not trying to mocking people. not a joke.

but that exist.

people acting like that.

it is not even insult.

but that happened as historically at this moment of nowadays.

moment of we living in evil crime and global events dark gloomy satanic threat of nowadays.

that "cowardness" was happened with very meaning of historical phenomenan.

not a insult. not even insult.

but that happened. in between people and this society.

and it is nothing to feel offensive about.

but should reflect ourselves and should speak up.

it very different.

not just.omg~ you are coward~~ you are pussy~~


omg... historically, when at this dark ugly moment, we couldn't facing this evil problem rightfully.. we must refelct ouselves why we couldn't...

that kind of meaning.

that is situation. but that "historical level of cowardness" is not even blame. not even insult.

just itself is also depressing and very feel sad and just absurd.

but that was "situation".

you know. when in war time. who blame that?

you know. war movie then there was not always brave soldiers.

there was also moment of cowardness. but that cowardness is somehow very different meaning.

becuase. when in massive extream situation.

why we be coward like that?

that meaning of cowardness i trying to talk about.

not for joke.

omg~ you are coward~~ omg~~


when in these day of evil crime... why we couldn't speak up.

why we turn our back and run from our problem.

and why we not speak truth for victims.

that meaning of "cowarndess" was there.

it too much serious.

as i said before.

if you agree with japanese.

but. that makes you truamatize about your ownself.

becareful that.

if you agree with japanese.

when you agree with japanese.

actually you hurt yourself. that really makes your feeling hurting with your ownself to yourself.

and you trapped in that negativity. and japan exactly control "that".

for trying to not blame yourself.

you desperately obey to japanese.

so shoudln't agree to japanese.

if you agree to japanese.

that behave itself. traumatize yourownself.

you can't believe your self did that cowardness.

so you haunted on that trauma of yourself.

and you desperately struggle for trying to not blame yourself.

and you doing otani fans.

that is how japanese control you like that.

speak up and never agree. and accuse japanese.

that is how prevent those mind control.

accuse JAPAN.

try it.

blame japan.

then will can see every truth of what is going on this earth.


situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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