so when i get mad.
i could throw stuff on ground real hard!!
ueee!! im get mad!! i appealing myself im get mad!!!!
what is those japanese otan fans when they get mad.
they rape children.
then "conflict" is in issue between children and you.
just another one, different issue happens of yours.
that is all.
who fucking rape children? when you get mad or conflict with opinions? or hate someone ??
if you hate trump then you rape children?
then that is trump fault? becuase trump makes you angry so inevitbaly you did rape chlidren?
that is completely different issue that your own psychopath crime.
omg i hate gay people!! how could be people are gay!! i will rape children!!!
who think like that?
but what is that "rape children" is?
that because you want to. because you want.
that is all.
omg we trying to do mind upload or mrna vaccien buisenss.
but people trying to opposite this!!!
rape children!!
did children so much being political so they care about humanity future so much so they did opposite against to you??
nothing is about.
people did opposite and talk opinions. and conflict could happen.
and that could be not fit to your buisenss. then worry about profit.
so get mad. and want make positive opinions.
what is rape children is about for what?
so there is A and B fight each others and argue and conflict.
then it is A and B issue.
then suddenly B did rape children.
no one know.
why do that?
then A agree with you and #stand with you?
think about. omg !! i politically hate trump!! i will rape children!!
then you are just pedophiles and nothing.
that is all.