connect our brain. is feel like nice.
but how actually it apply?
when you do crime.
old rich japanese fuckers log in and be with you when you do crime.
that is what actual "realistic" meaning of,
connecting our brain together. means.
very different.
so. what is point? of "every of these" .
it always start with about technology singularity.
there is mind upload kind of thing was quite people talking about that.
from since many years before.
and let's think about.
mind upload. what is that?
upload our conciousness into computer.
so what is possible?
one of very example of how to apply that? shit?
but with crime.
that is one of typical thing was that, make people do crime.
and old rich wealth filthy fuckers actually log in, to their brain.
mind upload and human brain interface technology using that way.
and that is why smart city is there.
that they burn down los angeles first before they rebuild it.
and also GAZA too.
mind upload. means.
it is actually dangerous.
someone else share, your thrill and feelings and emotion and thinking.
but actually just simply talk about "hack". crime. surviliance. monitoring. more like spying your brain directly.
and that "mind uplaod". is not just over with simply upload your conciousness into computer.
now make cloud storage with that.
what is more futher plan is,
they want make "one single clould storage conciousness".
then what theory is,
that clould server that gathering everyone's conciousness like clay toy.
then that become, different being. one person. another life form.
clould server it self become one individual life form.
feel like god-like being.
gathering every humanity conciousness in clould storage server.
and share and mixing and fusion every people mind like clay.
then that is "god". what their theory is.
completley different psychopath level of shit.
so that is maybe more futher future. that not our generation worry about.
but that going to that way of direction.
just. every humanity die. actually. not exist.
there is no concept of me or you.
just everyone's consiousness become one clould storage server.
and that is become another life form like god-like being.
and there is no "humanity" anymore.
in more futher future.
that is what how humanity history trying to entering to.
so anyways. that is not our concern.
but should know about that "entire far perspective". how it is going.
so. "mind upload" means.
how it apply on crime?
those ugly japanese old rich wealth fuckers they are old.
so can't do crime. but can access to criminals brain.
with those tech.
then they consume it like porn and snuff.
but more "experience-able" kind of.
so those criminals is somehow also exploit subject for them.
when they do crime.
there is japanese fucking log in and be with them actually.
but they can't notice it. someone is watching you. but not only watching you.
actually "be with you" in your brain. when you do crime.
then they consume it. like fucking demons.
trying to feel that "thrill" that "yours".
demons. just litearl demons with fascinating tech.
completely insane.
so regardless, that feel like great ideal of "one single collective mind"
but actually there is some,, "side-profit" is there.
what "actually" they doing is about crime.
of coursely.
they of coursely dont' gives a shit to something great ideal, that all excuses.
feel like trying to human evolve~ or trying to make "god-like being" with that clould storage.
but actually. what is fact is.
how connect to people conciousness and exploit that?
and consume people and survilience you from your brain directly.
and apply it on crime. and exploit porn and snuff from you if you do crime.
and demons consume it.
fucking insane.
but that insane is nowadays.
connect our brain. is feel like nice.
but how actually it apply?
when you do crime.
old rich japanese fuckers log in and be with you when you do crime.
that is what actual "realistic" meaning of,
connecting our brain together. means.
very different.
in officially. it always introducing nicely.
like. kind tech. feel like,
omg~ we connecting our brain into computer and share memories and feelings with each others together~~
that is have very different purpose and meaning.
feel like helping cripple people can moving or support disable.
it using for "crime".
and that is all about those tech.
support disable people is of coursely possible. but that is very small part of that tech.
that tech using in many ways, and helping disable people is just very part of issue. that nothing.
but problem is. it will using for "crime". of coursely.
of coursely. why not?
but. this "world". never telling that dark gloomy shit.
and always kind, and nice. heartwarming tech.
but no.