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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

what if they doing this with 4k resoultion of amount of drones??

hundread of drones.

thousand and millions of drones.

and this behind from holographic.

UFO = unidentified US military air force.

here is UFO discussion before did.

imagine that drone positioning show.

it is only just pixel level. but what if they doing it massive amounts of drone we can't even imagine?

ukraine using drone attack recently. right?

they have drone.

and when not just fake drone show like we can see from officially.

that is just maybe feel like 320p on youtube.

but what if they do this with 4k resolution of amount of drone??

then that can make screen displaying on sky.

that is UFO what they talk about.

and while drones playing that show.

then our brabe US military B-21 raider bomber attacking with nuclear.

and media news who comrpomised.

they will say. omg!! UFO did it~~ UFO did it~~

just like 911.

there was no even air plane. but just photoshop level of bullshit.

but when that moment.

people believed it.


that anyone can do that with even tik tok in nowadays.

but fucking people when there is technological gap.

we believed that cheap manipulation.

that we can do that with photoshop. we can do that too.

there was no air plane.

so UFO is what is means just 911 again with much more fascinating tech.

that is all.

UFO = 911 air plane that didn't even existed.

that is funny thing.

in nowadays. anyone can do that simple video manipulation for fun.


but even now, people trying to believe 911 was real??

but what about titk tok or many of youtubers can editting their video.


but before when past days.

people fooled only that level of easy lying.

becaues only media news telling differently.

think about it again. then just laugh.

but that was insane ugly terror and people died.

and there was no airplane.

**** additional discussion.

by the way. i don't believe christianity.

i believe "god" itself.

and here is also discussion.

"there is no super hero or messiah appear after when crime is done"

"there is no super hero or messiah appear after when crime is done"

"there is no super hero or messiah appear after when crime is done"

"there is no super hero or messiah appear after when crime is done"

"there is no super hero or messiah appear after when crime is done"

"there is no super hero or messiah appear after when crime is done"

"there is no super hero or messiah appear after when crime is done"

"there is no super hero or messiah appear after when crime is done"

"there is no super hero or messiah appear after when crime is done"

because that holograhphic have also not only UFO. but fake messiah vision they can create.

so i aware it.

i never fool.

i believe "actual god" and demons can't faking my faith.

and i don't believe christianity. i respect jesus christ. because he is just victims.

and i recommendation christianity for americans.

for americans. becaues there is no guidance for them.

but not for myself.

because i have independant my self faith about "actual real god".

not earth religion.

jesus crhist is victims.

actually. jesus christ shouldn't even die from at first place.

thst is fact.

but why jesus christ was beaten and hanging on cross and died.

that is error.

from at first place. that shouldn't even happened from at first place.

so let's think about.

war orphan black women died.

but actually. that shouldn't even happened from at first place.

that is what correct FACT is.

what can be justifying it.??

jesus christ is beaten died on cross. cruelly.

it is victim of violence.



suddenly? after all these insanity.

messiah appear???

after, all that happened. ?

and jesus chrsit?

not make sense at all.

what is messiah is.

when people dying. who stay with them. always been.

and cry with them. and guide then.

not after revealing itself after thing is fucked up.

when while in the midest of that thing happen and people suffering.

not after people suffered and suddenly appear itself.

when people while suffering who cry with them.

not a surprise superhero for fake clown show. "after" fucking thing is done and finally appear itself?? when crime is done???

but satanist of coursely have no idea about what is god is and what is messiah is.

becuaes they are atheist.

there story have serious error.

so. let's exclude, satanist operation.

and let's just keep our faith in god. correctly. with actual real.

actually. if you have faith. then you should notice it.

about how satanist trying to faking you.

how demons trying to testing you.

but if you have faith. then can notice it.

omg. there is something error is there.

what? jesus return? when whlie "after" war orphanage black women murdered??



and ukraine using drone for attacking russia.



by the way. why children was get shoted fucking like garbages.???

that shouldn't even happened from at first place.

just like,

jesus shouldn't died from at first place.

but actually satanist can't understand what is god and what is messiah or what is jesus.

what is faith.

they have no idea.

that is their mistake. and fact.

they can't built fake religion what can replace other religion.

because satanism is after all just superstition.

that obvious limit is right there.

do not even attempt it.

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