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nowadays is worry and anxiety about japan tessa violet war crime let's make it happen. that kills people and our children rape. and missing kidnapping.

that danger. in those dangerous threat. how we can not worry about and not anxiety?

and that anxiety makes people mental illiness.

becasue worry about that samurai stabbing boy and arrest boy and make ties and buckle up boys and screaming festival they doing.

that is worry.

but why i don't have worry?? because talking.

speak out about those worry and anxiety and fear you have.

let it out.

then life is happy and nice. but not speaking it?

of coursely you gone insane and stressful and more stimulation addiction and satanic demonic mind control.

so that is important. mental theraphy is not that difficult.

speaking out about worries and anxiety. even that simple activites really affect nice about our daily life.

it is good. and effective a lot.

don't just keep that worry and anxiety yourself alone.

just speaking and conversation with people and friend together.

maybe not yet to officially talk about. becaue "tricky" to talk about it.

i don't know what that fuck shit is.

but at least. if at least anyone best friend if you can talk anything.

then should talk about those issue.

im worry about those stabbing and missing kidnapping and let's make it happen crime... nowadays is really crazy!!!.... and should worry about vaccine damage but even more vaccine trying to come.... it really worry about...!!! but if we speak truth or resist? then japanese will kidnapping our children for rape it!!! that really worry and anxiety!!! in nowdays trend.

that let's make it happen. wild hot sex crime. that children sex trafficking. that makes us fear and worry about it!!!.

im so worry about it!!! really worry and anxiety. !!!

that TREND!! means which is can't faking even goverment and military.

because goverment officials or military troops was sacrificed and get killed by those japanese war activities. and they vaccinated too!!

really they would been worry about it. military soldier who serve nation with weapons. they also worry about vaccine damage and US soldier killed by let's make it happen crime. isn't it?

and media news employees and many otani fans themselves also murdered and take life threatning and living in worry and fear of piece by piece they did that with themselves as TREND.

that is really "worry"~~~~~ about.

but when i "speak out" this shit?

then feel little bit better. let's discussion this officially with court and official goverment and military together?!!! why not?!!

for our anxiety~~~~!! right? goverment officials who vaccinated and going to die they will worry about their children could be kidnap by joe biden and clinton with evergreen containor death and rape.

isn't it?

let's speak "that" shit exactly!!!!

with together!!!

think about. what white house officials and employees can do?

if they speak then joe biden will kill them and kill their children and rape it.


am i wrong?

speak "this" conversation.

do not living in fear and anxiety.

those intimidate and life threatning.

let's make it happen makes you fear and living in that oppression.

you must pretending you are feel like belong to cool criminals.

but that is children sex trafficking and vaccine genocide that killing people that you have that damage.

in your blood vessel that vaccine damage that bio weapons also many people and children damaged by same bio weapons.

and ugly official goverment and media news and many organized and hired otani fans,

who doing operation becuase they get payment and want violence and stimulation.

they talk some opinions.

but that not represent reality. of vaccine damage. and vaccine bio weapons and let's make it happen crime. crime happens.

but of coursely. pick a side. and pretending as always used to been.


right? #stand with ukraine like.

people acting that pretending what they get used to about.

but fact is fact. and not tricky. not tricky to talk about vaccine damage and uncomfortable let's make it happen crime.

not tricky. it was trend for rape porn stimulation snuff that people was so much likes it. they loves it. their favorite is make ties. and buckles. and victims screaming.

and rape. just like porn. let's make it happen~~~~~~!!!

so boy is arrested. then some of are slightly revealing their true color.

make ties!!! oh yeaah!!! woaaah!!

and actually people know that. but so much fear.

can't believe that shit.

people did encourage boy rape and encourage stabbing children.

then people can't even speaking it. that is what means "tricky to talk about" means.

that serious disappointment about that person.

fucking .. are you?.... what did you just said?? what?? let's make it happen?

boy arrested? and make ties?? and wild hot sex party???

are you?....

and people can't even speak.

just punching their face and kill them and shoot it with gun.

really. seriously.

what a scumbags is that????

and that crime plane crash and people more die and children die raped and buckled.

screaming victims screaming then otani fans crazy about it.

really disappointment is right there. fucking losing my faith in humanity literally.

fucking disgusting scumbags.

fuckers pretending and support japanese global children sex trafficking crime. for money and porn they likes.

their favorite is boy arrest and boy stabbing boy ties buckels.

so much disgusting. so it is tricky to talk about that.

can't even believe that shit fucking people encourage it beecause they want to and they likes it.

fucking disgusting.

should stabbing them and kill them.

kill otani. literally. fucking kill tessa violet.

not a encourage them.

what the fuck is wrong with you people????

why fucking just doing nothing and even encourage it and "let's make it happen??"

why can't even speak up just simply denying it and opposite against to it?

for what???

it is not tricky. it was TREND. so when accuse it. it also not a secret. it is trend.

it's okay.

to talk about.

speak out.

naturally. do some care about world issue and those world crisis in nowdays.

for political stance. that you guys have that shit. feel like fucking gives a shit to people and children.

and let's make it happen????

really disappointment. and disgusting .should say it.

wow . you are really disgusting person when you encourage those crime!!!!

you are disgusting!!! you are scumbags!!! you are fucking disappointment and taint!!!

you are fucking garbages!!!! how could you do that shit????? how you say like that????

should tell this to them.

because if we slightly pretending?

then feel like they can surpass that shit.

then they keep let's make it happen~~~!! owaaah~~ boy is arrestesd!!! boy makes ties~~~~~!! let's make it happen~~~~~!!!!

they keep do that shit because we not tell them to truth.

hey!!! you !! stop !! we actually know what you trying to doing!!!! but because japanese stabbing people!! so it dangerous!! so not speak about this.

but actually we know this!!!! can you pls stop !! that encourage crime you want to make it happen????

because no one fooled actually. but intimidated and life threatning.

because we could die and stabbing and get shoted and missing kidnapping.

that is reason. not beacuse people agree with your disgusting shit make it happen.

we can't speak truth because it is dangerous!!!

but no one tell them truth?

fuckers think people fooled or maybe not blame them.

then they keep make it happen.

so should speak out.

people not talk about.


people couldn't talk about.

is different actually.

because japanese stabbing people and tessa violet targetting victims and labeling and missing kidnapping.

but when people "not talk about" is not means actual agree.

even pretending is.

pretending. when there was vaccine. why people did pretending?

same thing.

not that have point.

that was just trend.

but fuckers misunderstanding reality.

and that really disgusting. disgusting really. shit fuckers think people are "don't know truth".

no. they "know truth" but because japan kill them. so they not talk about it.

becasuse japanese kill them. and tessa violet target them and there is risk possibly their familiy and children dangerous and missing kidnapping.

but should talk about "this". exactly.

why it is "tricky to talk about"????

because we die.

we could get killed by psychopath japanese tessa violet wild hot sex.

we can't talk about.

because we murder by them. how many murdered?

how many children murdered and raped?

we can't even counting that number of victims.

every fun joke word joke accident and incident and mysterious death and sabotage attack.

wild fire. even they burn down your house.

of coursely you never speak it.

oh~~~ japan didn't crime~~~ they are nice people~~ oh~~ #stand with~~~~~~~~!!!

people say that.


becuase japan killed them and stabbing their boy and burn down their house.

that is why.

speak "this".

"let's make it happen" weaponized TREND that war activites by foreign enemy japan and enemy occupied goverment and military situation.


situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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