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keep speak truth and attack japanese.

japan is the boss who doing all this crime.

they control every rest of satanist basis on their scenario they want to forcing to people.

understand every earth crime basis on japan.

japan lead that all crime.

human trafficking, children sex trafficking, organ harvesting.

intimidate, psy op, mind control, propaganda, war, and pandemic, vaccine.

all that japanese run this crime.

focus basis on japan. then can explain every crime in this earth.

satanic cult is basis on japan.

it basis on according to following japan.

everyone know this truth.

who you should obey to is japan exactly.

and people work for japanese profit.

all crime is connected and it pointing one place. japan.

japan is the crime boss.

they wrote scenario and lead mind control.

everyone knows it.

no one can't denying it and they did with in actual.

and people know it.

no one can't denying that fact every scenario come from japanese bullshit

and japanese interpretation.

japanese labeling method.

japanese fiction based on.

japanese word twisting joke based on.

japanese lying basis on.

every crime happened according to that japanese operation.

that everyone know and everyone admit and have knowledge about japan did it.

no one can't denying this fact with reality.

admit this fact.

and they exactly cover up and defending japanese on purpose.

speak this.

japan did attack court and civlian and children and bank and baby and chemical leak.

speak this truth!!

japan decide target who they want to kill.

japan decide disposal who should they tail cut off.


admit this.

japan lead every operation. and scenario.

japan forcing it and provide it to people what they shoudl believe to.

japan decide it.

according to japanese intention.


every truth is revealed right there.


attack japan.

so people denying fact.

have faking mind. hidden mind that expectations about murder rape violence because japanese provide it to you.

entertaining of murder rape violence.


so it very closely relate to religious issue actually.

people who have no concept of god in their mind.

they never trying to denying japanese.

because they have no idea about "opponent who you can't faking".

that is why people expecting their lying will works if they pretending.

that happen according to faith issue and god.

people who have no god in their mind.

there is no moral standard.

because there is no "opponent who you can't even attempt faking".

then they wanting to expecting maybe if they lying and pretending.

then it will works.

those kind of people never denying japanese.

that is symptoms of they belong to hell.


people who liar and pretender and illuminati compromised satanic people.

they never denying japanese.

when actually knowing japan did that all crime.

because there is expectation about murder rape children they can get earn.

that is reason.

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