people keep speak truth with your ownself.
regrdless japanese they pretending sad and pretending victims and feel like now losing and feel like innocent.
no. they keep doing "control".
never forget what japan did.
talk about crime what japan did before.
and in real time now.
they keep pretend. and don't need.
but should now talk about what japan did with official discussion and official investigation. and official accuse.
talk about those issue naturally.
do not feel tricky or unofficial.
talk about what was "happened".
what was happened? explain it.
let's explain what was happened with together.
fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog. gay boy arrested shoted cooked fall from hotel wild sex hand cuffed head cut offed piece by pieces.
and many sabotage attack.
chemical leak.
wild fire.
earthquake. hurricane.
missing kidnapping.
gang raid.
children sex trafficking.
war crime.
ukraine war, israel war, may north korea hit US.
let's make it happen.
japan said. and intimidated. and provide women and children rape to nation goverment for make them invovle to lying.
so that looks like real.
why nation goverment and politicians and companies and media news.
why they did invovled and compromised and co-operation to japanese murder rape ??
trying to murder rape women and children.
so they did "agree" gladly they invovle to those japanese crime.
trying to faking people.
then those japanese scenario is looks like so much real.
because "something happen" according to japanese intention.
way of they want to.
so but, what was "marry popins makes you dream come true"
or what was means? "let's make it happen??"
japan did that. japan occuring it. for themselves with manipulation from behind.
not just "happen"
those incident not just "happen" by naturally?
by nature??
did those thing was happened for by nature??
it was artificial.
people. listen.
those crime and accident and incident, was "happend" by japanese intention.
on purpose.
just like corona virus didn't came from no where.
it came from bio labs by science and artificial.
those thing , "happen".
why it happens?
"let's make it happen".
can understand?
japan doing that occuring those thing from behind.
not there is marry popins is there.
japan did that for themselvese with from behind.
japan did that.
not it happens just with no reason.
"japan" did. japan. did manipulation and give incentive to people, or supply children for rape to comapnies. and intimidate people.
using all method. and they occuring with their own willing to doing it.
japan did that.
not just thing happen like magic miracle.
japan did that.
speak truth.