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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

fact check.

- epstein died and when at that moment, japan did started playing detective and playing pretending victims and did "let's make it happen" crime. it was that start with exact certain point of "epstein official death".


thing is decide by japan. according to japan way of they want to.

omg!! now newly discovered truth!! now newly another thing happened!!!

feel like it wasn't japan!!!!

feel like "now we discoverd new truth about can defending about japanese allegation!!" kind of thing, "happen".


when people doubt about japan.

when people accuse japan correctly.

when japan lying is revealed.



something "happen".

according to japanese way of want to.

every crime is japan doing.

so something newly happen. or something uncoverd new truth.

that "because" all japanese decide it.

japan decide those scenario way of they want to.

who disposal what truth revealing way of they want to.

interpretation way of japan want to.

and japan is the that "illuminati" who decide scenario.

every bullshit happen according to profit for japan. and defending japanese opinions.

it all focus about japanese way of they want to.

accuse japanese and attack japan.

they are the who rape children from top of crime.

and who decide things.

feel like south korea did martial law but now it is not.

feel like trump talk about seems feel like fight against deepstate and zelensky and NATO.

but suddenly it is not. but now it is. and now it is not again. and now it is.

japan decide for way of they want to.

should see that "control" all come down from japanese decision.

should kill japanese.

never fool by japanese provide information that japanese provide to you.

of coursely.

"it is japan".

the illuminati.

who eat baby. and who rape children.

and who decide scenario.

it is japan.

speak this.

never forget what was happened.

"epstein died" => japan doing that buisenss.

important events.

"epstein died when very earlier of japanese did "let's make it happen".

that is explain everytruth.

japan doing all that satanic cult rape children buisness from behind.

and epstein is only about one of minions.

but who eat baby? means who is crime boss?

just ask that question to criminals.

who is crime boss?

who you should obey to?

"it is japan".


"nobel peace prize".

they always playing victims. pretending victims.

and they did all crime for themselves.

never fool by any false information newly recently discovered feel like all about defending japanese.


"it is japan is the illuminati".

so trump says he feel like fight against to epstein and deepstate.

but what about japanese crime?

feel like that didn't even happened?

when it all happend by japanese let's make it happen?

so who did disposaled.

but who is protected? always?

that is japan is the boss.


not disposal epstein diddy Jay Z like is meaning of "illuminati".

that japanese decide it.

but who is nobel peace prize???

it is japan.

that is what we can call "illuminati".

everyone know japan did all that crime.

and epstein already fucking dead in official or fucking just runed.

but japan did lead all that word basis joke scenario.

but this "world" release only japanese way of want to truth and information.

according to japanese decision of they want to.

just see that.

japan doing this. all crime. that come down from japan.

so when speak truth.

including japan.

omg diddy list. omg jay z!! incident!!

and japan.

naturally. we all know japan did crime and they lead take charge instead of epstein.

and epstein already fucking dead in official and just did runaway.


so that is why japanese playing detective and playing victims.

disposal epstein and diddy and jay Z. black people first becaues japan want it.

that is all.

japan rape children and eat baby.

and those are japanese minions.

minions's minion.

but if go tracking up to head.

then it is japan.

just see.

how japanese perfecly defending themselvese with whatever happens.


whatever is "happen" according to japanese murder rape buisness.

that is what "illuminati" is.

they run every war crime and children sex trafficking.


"it is japan".

omg. in nowadays. epstein list is problem.... woaw.... and also japanese war attack "let's make it happen" crime too!!!

say like this naturally.

never justifying japanese.

so something happens. and newly discoverd truth.

but that never makes justifying what japan did.


what japan did. is already exist.

attack by japan has been existed.

whatever shit newly happen or additionally happen.

attack by japan has existed.

including another crime. and. plus. japanese let's make it happen.

that we should ask official investigation and declare it with official.

japanese attack happened and it existed.

and it cover up by jay Z incident according to japanese want to cover up their own "let's make it happen" crime.

so they disposal their own minions according to proper timing and proper way of interpretation.

"it is japan".

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