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people. think about.

what would be actual reality? if there wasn't lying.

civlian get killed. children get killed.

then actually. pentagon should send warship and war jet and direct hit on japanese.

actually. that is what true reality is.

but pentagon is surrender for rape chlidren.

because japanese give them to children.

and media news just worship and obey japanese .

and ugly retarded leftist just agree with it.

but if talk about objective reality???

japan did attack united state of america, about civilian and their property and damaged.

it is direct war activities against to nation.


but what they doing? what congress doing? and what goverment and military doing?

what media news doing?

they not function at all.

they are not function .

military not protect americans.


even children get shoted in fucking head and dead.

fucking they do nothing.

it not function.!!!!

should speak truth and should do forntier justice with civlians amercans for themselves.

there is no congress and goverment and military now.

no media news.

they not function and they not protect you and not protect your profit.

they work for japanese profit.


it is treason against to america.

what is "america".

it is means the famliy and children who represent "america" itself.

those people are the america.

and when that americans famliy and children get killed by japanese.

what is actual process?? that goverment and military should take???

it is literally fucking should nuclear japanese tokyo and send all warship and war jet and wipe them out.


should kill every japanese civlian.

it is war situation.

and pentagon not function. it compromised.

they not protect americans.

they protect japanese!!!!

should speak this officially.

talk and discussion officially with people.

just do conversation.

oh. how are you doing? doing good?

did you hear that? japanese killed americans and children.

children get shoted like garbages by japanese.

omg??? wow!! that is fucking issue and news right there.

should say it.


who decide reality? media news provide to you that?

japanese killed civilian and children and fucking media news obey to japanese.

then should we follow it?

no. then should say it.

omg. media news is not function and they did obey and compromised like garbages.

say this. itself. about reality.

if can't stop japanese. if not murder japanese.

then it is nuclear war and second pandemic and mpox hot spot and chlidren will get shoted and illegal migrant will rape them.


any leftist have another opinions about this?


it is war situation. fucking should arm yourself and do frontier justice because goverment or military whatever they not function.

they not telling truth.

they rape children.

that is all.

arm yourself and do frontier justice with your self.

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