common sense is important.
just should naturally say about japanese war crime.
i don't agree with you. i don't need your ugly satanic value that you likes.
not my concern.
just naturally say it.
crime happened right there. there is crime. criminals did crime for themselves.
and not anyone's concern.
criminals living for crime for themselves.
that is what just japanese doing thing.
i don't care. you do that shit. that is your buisness.
but for myself. i will not agree with those crime. just disgusting.
i felt digust about those let's make it happen. war crime.
sabotage attack. people death. children rape.
just tragedy. i felt like that.
that is what how i think and feels. not someone else provide to me another feelings and opinions with through forcing and mandate and intimidate.
regardless that. or trend or not.
many people did agreed. and still not matter to me.
how bunch of do agree or not. maybe over 70% of humanity can be vaccinated. and #stand with ukraine. and let's make it happens.
but. that is what "their" concern.
but quite many of them.
i don't care "them".!! but. i know. that "them" is so many of them.
that is issue?
but i can't feel anything wrong about me.
when how much many of people fooled at same time or not.
if "i" didn't fooled. that is i feel very lucky and blessing.
omg.!! it so nice!!! i didn't fooled! when every others many of bunch of even that number is over 70% of humanity.
but when think about.
that level of luck and that level of niceness. is mine.
i don't think this positively. that is fact.
it actually nice.
you guys living for swapping your wife actually raped but because if it is your choice to do that.
then feel like that is not a rape anymore?
so vaccine.
that is vaccine.
damaged by bio weapons.
but if you never admit your fault. never blame yourself.
then feel like that is suddenly be medicine?
because it is not.
that is what japanese doing method.
people never trying to blame themselves.
and keep pretending.
omg it is not a rape. it is wild hot sex. it is dog cop.
maybe that good for you.
just keep living like that. why not?
maybe that is all about you. your existence is maybe that is all.
but. what can i say?
should i clap for you?
about your dog cop???
for not you feel sad?
then you feel better?
omg i agree with you~ #stand with dog cop~!!!
then omg suddenly now i don't feel sad~~~~
agreed~ agree~~~~
agree or not.
vaccine is bio weapons.
in fact.
japan did war attack on your nation.
japan did rape your women and children.
japan did burndown your house.
so if i give you agree with your dog cop.
then what?
should speak up.
fact is fact.
crime happened.
that is situation.