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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

known as "evil jewish" means NAZI who faking their identity with jewish.

israel = NAZI built hostage puppet nation.

jewish = NAZI slave who obey and surrendered from world war 2. peple who already failed and enslaved by nazi.

japan = same NAZI alliance.

The Fed is set to cut interest rates for the first time in 4 years

it is becaues fed is obey to nazi japan.

epstein died -> transition into japan to global children sex trafficking -> The Fed is set to cut interest rates for the first time in 4 years

NAZI HQ is moving.

not a japanese fight against to evil jewish.

israel and japan is same NAZI.

same team.

and transition about global chlidren sex trafficking buisness.

from epstein into japan aiba aina and tessa violet los angeles.

epstein 2.0.

because NAZI HQ is moving into asia.

western civilization collapse down and perish into hell.

that is zelenksy doing.

and israel disposal and genocide.

so people listen.

so if according to japanese opinions.

then do you think japanese is justice??

but let's we remind us.

let's make us remind it. again.

fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog gay boy arrested shoted cooked missing kidnapping raid piece by pieces.

"let's make it happen".

shogun win~~



so people that not make sense .

who killed people?

who killed children.??

trying to denying it?

Ballerina Michaela DePrince, whose career inspired many after she was born into war, dies at 29

trying to keep denying about "japanse game"???

can make fit the puzzle?

japan is NAZI.


they are not a fucking thing whatever.

they are not a detective.

they are not a represent justice.


they did that all thing. creepy psychopath crime.

who fucking can denying it???


anyone is there???

you guys knew it??


let's make it happen~ let's party~~ raid!! go for raid~~~ yeaah~~~!!

dominated~~ dominated~~~~

omg shogun~~ it is shogun~~~!!!

journalist died in ukraine hotel~~~~~

swapping your wife~~~~~!!

missing~~ missing~~ it is still missing~~~~ kidnapping~~~~

so. anyone ???

is there?

japan did vaccine genocide and pandemic and war and every incident terror.

even today. in hezubollah. massive random civlian attack for joke fun.

people die everyday.

they preparing massive chaos and gang assult.

if you step on this.

fucking every one die.

and children die. they will get raped by japanese and gang members.

pedophiles elites. and illegal migrant.

"arm yourself and murder japanese."

i really want say this.

"when at point of they can kill you, then they kill you after all".

there is no reason to share profit with you. regardless you loyal to them or not.

omg? but what if resist... then die???

but if you compromise??

then you exploit by demons and suffering and you should make sin and also die too.


just pointless.

do not compromise.

we should more efficient. and logical.

there is death.

no one want death. right?

so let's compare two death.

1 death. = you resist and disagree and killed by japanese. it is just death. normal death. and you are still victims.

2 death = you compromise to japanese, and exploit by japanese and suffering and abusing and mind controled, and should hurting otheres and make sin, and rape children, and eat baby, and keep obey, and ? also die.

with death is much more less death? or some shit.

but just naturally acting is always best.

same death. but wich one is unefficient and unnecessary?

people. situation explanation.

so those many of people compromised.

becaues that is win? and get earn money?

actually no.

becaue they know they will get killed by japanese.

so there is problem. once they achieve their goals.

then even if compromised people. will get killed after all.

never trust demons.

so actually nation and goverment and military and every people is in hostage situation.

humanity itself is in tyranny and NAZI attacking.

war situation.

many of compromise. but actually they not success or get earn money.

they also die. after all.

but even if they know it. but can't resist.

because die.

but should make sure about this.

when at point of they can kill you.

then there is no "side".


if they can kill you. then they kill you.

but compromise is have no point.

but they want make thing more efficiently.

that is only point.

we should fight back and resist. with pledge to death. literally.

becuaes it is end of world.

every humanity will die.

there is no pick a side or compromise.

but should speak truth and murder japanese.

that is only thing.

so even if world end.

issue is same.

will you compromise and pledge to demons?

or disagree to it?

it is same thing have no difference.

tail cut off.

japan cut off "one of them".

omg diddy get caught!!!

now japanese is innocent!!!

who believe that shit??

diddy is japanese side. same team.

and japan did cut off it.

trying to make people blame blacks.

they are racist and psychopath.

japanese is the head chief.

attack it.

they run every global children sex trafficking instead of epstein.

epstein died or retire -> and transition into japanese.

NAZI HQ is moving into asia and fuckers retreat and pull back and succeed to japanese and new charges who take part.

while that process.

everyone know. "western civliazation collapse scenario".

first of all. why?

why obviously europe and US is dying??

what is exactly zelensky plan?

and why that even necessary? and why it happen?

fucking NAZI HQ is trying to moving!!! and transition into new epstein.

that is humanity history.

that is happening now.

that huge NAZI giants movement create all rest of small bullshit and crisis in this world.

what make history is one big giant fucking evil moving.

NAZI HQ is getting starting move into asia.

ultimately it is target is south korea. for their fake innocent indentity.

japanese will dominate south korea after all.

from behind.

just like those aka "evil jewish" is living in slavery and should have to frame all NAZI crime into themselves.

that miserable.

but why there is "evil jewish" is known as common.

now it is fuflied their existence for fake identity.


people know "evil jewish" means, NAZI used jewish identity. and that is now get caught and can't use.

so that is why NAZI want new clean identity of innocent people.

and they targetting south korea.

but also should stopping it.

now people know jewish is evill.

so it is useless for NAZI using it.

that is what israel is. they step on trap that expansion war until they can't even handle it.

then jewish genocide again.

NAZI is demons.

and they want new clean identity of koreans. they did attention to koreans.

it is creepy shit.

and trying to moving HQ in to asia. that is why european dyng with refugee insanity and world war 3 threat.

and US also set up plan civil war and gang assult everywhere now.

it is going down!!!

should stop it.

speak truth.

historically major big move is came from according to NAZI HQ movement.

and rest of thing exist.

and global chlidren sex trafficking is transition from epstein into japanese.


should can see that history.

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