so that japanese domination that you guys what you obey for.
is the problem in nowadays.
how that sad and unfortunate and pathetic nowadays people living their life in abusing and genocide by japanese?
but should blame others. and labeling to me.
and should obey to japanese and talk and think and feel what japanese way of they want to.
so people keep die and children rape by japanese way of they want to.
that because japan want to do that.
so pandemic. and war. and nuclear. and vaccine. and gun shoot incident.
and every sabtoage.
just nothing to tricky to talk about it.
rather just speak loudly and arm yourself and beating japanese.
literally punching their face and kicking it and shoot it with gun.
and rightfully speak up.
not trying to living in abusing and obeying that pointless.
japanese shitting around and that is nowadays.
you guys watching it for in real time.
everyday people die and keep die in real time.
with blood clot death and sabotage attack.
it serious.
nothing to trickty to talk about.
rather speak loudly up.
say it.