japanese will keep lying. never trust them.
blame japan correctly. and never trying to allow make them innocent.
it is JAPANESE. PLAN. they wrote scenario and they excute it.
what purpose is they move on to japan gathering together for children rape buisness.
all of rest of israel vatican british joe biden deepstate. they work for japanese children rape buisness.
with all together.
that is why they so much hardly trying to defending japan and trying to make japan innocent.
when japan is the suspect who did that every crime. but because children rape boy rape is up to japanese lying.
japanese buisness is very trendy and replaced epstein.
it is all plan and their inner power transition movement.
that is why those thing happen and people confusing.
because they tracking past old strucutre of illuminati.
but they already moved on JAPAN. every buisness, let's make it happen children sex trafficking boy rape and every AGENDA is run by japanese.
because israel get caught from at first place. no one think isreal is innocent.
but their hope is JAPAN.
evil jewish is already caught every right wing side already know.
and nobel peace prize JAPAN. is the who run every buisness from behind. because israel is uses is fulfiled everyone know that evil jewish theory typically.
speak truth and attack JAPAN. there is every AGENDA and children rape and boy arrest tied buckle up shit is there.
never encourage japanese.
speak up and attacking it.
if you attack japan. then rest of illuminati opposite against to you.
you can see that.
so that is why very tricky to accues japan.
blame "one of them" is easy.
but if you against to japan. then you should facing every of them.
attack JAPAN. is what about how prevent every rest of AGENDA and crime.
keep speak truth.
every crime run by basis on japanese lead.
everyone already know this "buisness".
let's make it happen.
and every sabotage. and why every criminals compromise to it.
we know reason.
JAPAN. lead every crime.
speak truth and blame japan and condemn and attacking and reject their instructions and ban out and cancel japanese.
global events of attack happening now.
in real time.
genocide is on going by japanese lead and under japanese control.
it happens.
speak up and fight against to it.