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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

‘Shogun’ and ‘Hacks’ win top series Emmy Awards and ‘The Bear’ and ‘Baby Reindeer’ take 4 apiece

it all fucking japanese word joke psy op. just right there.

all bullshit their crime they want to appealing.

very ugly and dirty.

should get rid of every japanese interference from reality and every art and every entertainment.

trend. feel like blackout challenge.

same thing.

that same trend targetting grown ups who naive leftist lead into death.


just look at those bullshit happening nowadays.

and fucking disgusting cowardness and pretending.

even people die everyday.

fraud election and treason.

should speak up.

do not living in nazi oppression like jewish doing.

america literally going to slave jewish now.

nazi already enslaved jewish people and they did comrpomised miserable.

and now americans trying to turn into slave jewish.

just like jewish did. and that slave jewish want enslave americans into their slave.

nazi slavery and another bullshit.

that is what is world strucuture is.

when in world war 2.

nazi did dominated jewish.

and genocide it.

and reward it to israel. and enslaved jewish just should compromise becuaes they so much fear and have no balls to fight against to nazi.

and nazi give them to money.

then raped women should say that is hot.

that is jewish.

and americans is also obviously going jewish now.

that is very jewish.

trying to just pretending and accept oppression.

while japanese just doing "shogun" win doing bullshit.

all americans shut their mouth and doing jewish.

should say it.

omg are you trying to compromise to japanese?? that is too jewish.

you shouldn't. wow... that is really jewish right there...

you guys doing jewish now. okay?

that is jewish. who pick a side to their own murderers.

omg are you trying to compromise to japanese?? that is too jewish.

you shouldn't. wow... that is really jewish right there...

you guys doing jewish now. okay?

that is jewish. who pick a side to their own murderers.

don't do jewish like that. that is disgusting.

speak like this to each others.

omg.. there is japanese propaganda job. should i doing this??...

oh no... that is jewish...!! you shouldn't accept it like jewish pick a side to nazi.!!!

oh my god~~~

but... i need money.. and it could be good opportunity??.... im worry about should accept this clown job for money....

oh my god~~ no~~~ that is jewish!!! you trying to doing jewish now!! should remind it to your self!!

let's we don't be the jewish. because that is disgusting....

in nowadays.

many people encountering those jewish moment.

you know.

you have job. and should get earn money.

but there is japanese instructions. obviously dirty and ugly and children sex trafficking.

but for get earn money. you should compromise.

when in that moment. never pick a side.

what you supporting is NAZI japanese tyranny.

do not be miserable. that is jewish. they are slave. of nazi.

nazi killed them. but jewish should had to compromise like miserable.

that all same. how america in nowadays? you guys worship japanese.

just like jewish doing worship obey to nazi.

and jewish should take every frame for themselves about nazi crime.

americans obeying to japanese like jewish doing.

just obviously.

just see.

see that fucking things.

all that japanese word joke tyranny and shogun worship bullshit dominated.

and what americans do?

people died and children died.

but should doing clown.

that just like jewish people did giving up and surrender for nazi.

but want money.

then they sold their soul.

jewish is people who already failed and abondoned people by nazi demon domination.

slave people.

that is israel.

and nazi using that slave jewish and make hurting others again.

it is nazi. and jewish is already failed and dominated slave people.

that belong to nazi.

jewish is belong to nazi.

feel like nazi possession.

nazi owns jewish.

since world war 2.

that is jewish israel who represent nazi.

they work for their own murderers.

and just like same.

there is nazi japan dominate US and just see.

just see.

you guys should obey and work for nazi japanese.


can understand what "jewish" is?? they are already failed and died.

and they represent NAZI. becuase jewish already destroyed by NAZI when world war 2.

but nazi using "jewish" identity. for their crime.

becaues even NAZI do crime who should die is also jewish again.

shouldn't go jewish. every americans will facing same fate into slavery.

japanese will puppet your goverment and congress and military.

already did.

and americans should dedicate their children to japanese rape it.

because gang assult and black mailing and assassination.


should arm yourself and kill japanese.

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