so it is not people decide your pretending according to nation, goverment, international organization, media news provide agenda.
people speak truth then maybe those "nation, goverment, international organization, media news." will decide theirs pretending.
make them follow it.
you speak truth first. and later they decide their pretending or not. and that not important.
only must see "actual" .
so did vaccine is officially accused? as bio weapons?
did japanese psy op war abotage attack is declared as official war crime??
check about only "actual".
so whatever rest of is = not important but just clown show.
and speak this first. and make those "nation, goverment, international organization, media news." (world) decide their pretending or not is later and not worth and not that important.
so it is global emergency situation.
that humanity have no nation or goverment or military protection or congress function.
"but they kill you. situation."
that is real. actual situation you living in it.
and so that is why "me" is doing kind of emergency function instead of them.
but it is not matter. you. you can do it too. anyone can do it. and should have to do.
people should talk about yourown self .
you damaged. then who talk about this? about your vaccine damage.
you should do it. fuckers. what you fucking expecting??
you should do it. and should make all others also do it.
should make those ugly main stream media news or goverment fuckers and officials frauds and international clowns decide their pretending unfortunately when they actually don't want to.
beceause we speak truth and claim our damage,
by vaccine bio weapons that killing ourselves and our family and children.
and threat that japanese war sabotage attack psy op that kills our selves and our family and children. and military soldiers including.
that those goverment military congress don't want to.
but we make them do that justice when even if they not trying to do.
can understand?
no one is there.
what fucking famous celebrities talk about your rights? when you vaccinated?
and when you die?
they dont'.
then goverment? military? soldiers also vaccinated. for reducing population because now AI military weapons is there.
so they killed soldiers for fun japanese joke. and they don't declare any official statement.
about this crime
chemical leak explosion for cover up vaccine cause of death.
and japan keep distracting people for killing.
trying to cover up those crime.
so they lying and using porn and snuff and make people compromise to genocide.
so attack japan.
and only check about that fact.
did vaccine is officially accused?
did japanese war psy op sabotage terror attack was officially accuese?
only check about this fact.
and speak this first. and make all others nation goverment congress military international organization admit it through unfortunately because people speak it so can't pretending.
they want to just pretending cover up all crime because there is murder rape they want to.
but unfortunately because people speak truth.
so those fuckers should speak truth too.
make that circumstances. make them can't even attempt pretending and lying.
and you people lead them.
you first. they are the later who decide their pretending clowns that pointless.
can understand?
they are the lower existence. that clowns who only do pretending but actually they living or exist or not , actually not that important people.
there is those people exist.
it is living life and exist obviusly but not that have any meaning and importance.
that is nation, goverment, military, congress, politicians, celebrities, main stream media news.
who do not admit vaccine bio weapons and japanese war attack.
those are just , do not considering them. just "regardless them" they are just not represent anything.
so speak talk about actual damage from vaccine bio weapons.
and japanese sabotage psy op "let's make it happen" crime for intimidate and cover up vaccine and war crime.
speak this.
and if anyone not speak this then just consider them as "something not that important people who it is exist or not".
just illuminati puppets.
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