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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

act normal and sane is just nice. ~

attack japan.

they killed all children and killed all people.

and they manipulate incident and all humanity dying now.

speak truth and attack japan.

there is no confuse.

people are damaged but japan trying to keep trapped you in their delusion psy op. and cheap porn and muder and rape.

violence and evil demon negativity.

cut off it.

attack them.

speak truth.

just saying to them shut the fuck up and get the fuck off.

shitty scumbags fucking satanist illuminati demons children blood sucking psychopath motherfuckers.

just saying and shut off them.

what the fuck is difficult?

hey! shitty scumbags?! get the fuck off. seriuosly.

what a fucking psychopath motherfuckers.

just speak truth.

there is no confuse or no difficulties.

but maybe you people fear.



they kill humanity. and they manipulation. and they control everything.

then don't even fucking gives a shit whatever they gibberish.

media news trying to gibberish like fucking psychopath.

then what is matter?

who don't know? who don't know why they acting like that.

they trying to kill all people.

then just recognize that.

hmm. ? wow.

look at them~~~. jesus christ~~~ what the fuck is that???

just speak truth and act fucking common sense.

not fucking pretending to them.

just saying wow! and disappointment.

not they win. omg!! they won!! must pick a side~~ oh my gyad~~~~


fucking acting normal and sane.

wow. look at them. they picked a side!!! oh my god!!


fucking what is so difficult?

but.. yeee. but... eeeeh.. they leftist japan kill children and they will kill us all.. yeee. we must pick a side to them~~~.. eeehee~~~~

no. just fucking shut off them and defeat them.

resist and attack them.

if you know that. you know it. then fucking resist. what is matter?

they killed and raped all that children for their fun over 3 years.

what is you fucking confuse and waiting and do nothing?

and now they released nuclear waste water.

there is no intimidate.

they already obviously killinig you and every humanity now.

what fucking pick a side and what comrpomise?

while they intimidate you and killing you.

fucking should resist.

it just of course.

shitty fucking psychopath demons killing humanity.

i will resist. i never compromise. at all.

im not fucking psychopath.

and i always appreciate and proud about myself.

because im not "that"

woah... jesus... i wasn't "that".

fucking demons NPC shitty scumbags.

thoughtless and just consume by demons.

im always appreciate about that FACT.

it so creepy. imagine fucking you are living your life like those leftist japan satanist.

jesus.... what the fuck... woah... creepy fucking hell.

i was real soul.

im so relief for my self. appreciate. thank you god!!!!

god didn't abandoned me!!!

that fact is very nice.

woah.!! it feel like millions arrow in sky but never get shot even single one.

that is just divine and something prophetic and sooooooooooo~~~ nice!!!

nice!!! yeaah~~~!!

think about !! fucking just demons killing humanity and vaccinating humanity.

but you kept your soul!!!! while all leftiust japan murder rape and negativity.

but didn't consumed by it.

that just divine.!!! god... thank you!!! i praise the god!!!! god !!! thank you!!!


i really really appreciate i didn't consume by demons.

that just fact is so much nice.

so much creepy when imagine if i was just nothing but one of bunch of..

wow... that.. i really fucking don't want.

human history is itself trying to going end.

admit this reality.

and when ugly psychopath satanist intimidate you.

then just cut off.

exclude them.

means, just don't even gives a shit to them.

do not do whateve they instruct to you.

do not follow their trend. their mindset, their joke, their attitude.

just exclude it from actual reality.

"not exist."

shut off them.

and it is just of course.

why not shut off them?

just shut off them. it's okay.

if people talk about vaccine is right.

so you vacicnated and fucked up.

same thing.

~beccause people said it is right?


if wrong . then it is wrong.

there is no exist anyother cause or reason.

vaccine was wrong. then it is wrong.

and that is all.

admit quick and fast is important.

leftist japan claim murder rape is trend.

and now even people follow it like same to vaccine.

that is what exactly problem.

can understand?

that is your fucking problem.

trying to follow anything look like trend and people agree with.

all that behavior and thoughtless.

that is ruin this world now.

and demons exactly using that method trying to pull off from your agree.

so "dis agree and be yourself". <- this is the fucking ultimate truth in this world.

then all rest part automatically fit.

what i saying is seriously important.

that's why satanic japan trying to stopping it for every struggle.

because what i said is exact fucking point.

it can kill demons.

that's why they so much effort and crazy about.

"dis agree and be yourself"

it kill demons.

satan japan most fear about this.

why they using "word" twisting.

my word is important and divine.

exact fact and fundamental.

so demon fear it.

then kill demons.

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