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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

actual reality and way of our life in nowadays.

media never tell truth.

there is basically no way to we can know truth.

there is no news or information about we living life.

so, there is no news or media. admit this fact first.

there is no one exist telling you to information.

that is fact about our reality.

we are isolated and trapped in lying.

that is situation.

then how we can know what is going on now?

we should using different method.

there is no truth but there is only lying.

then at least we can know what is lying.

so, see the lying what they want to.

what demons want to lying about.

when you watching media or news.

should use your thinking abilities.

not just accept it directly.

but should filtering it.

hmm. here is lying comes in?!

what they want to lying??

think about opposite about it.

what their purpose. and what is opposite of their purpose.

trying to see their purpose.

there is lying. and what will be purpose of this lying?.


- admit media news never tell you truth.

- precede fact = media run by satanist money.

- from lying tracking truth and trying to see their purpose.

live life with this.

there is no news or media for you.

you not living in actual reality and there is no way of you can know what is truth. at all.

admit this actual reality of our situation.

think naturally.

just of course.

world is lying and killing.

because everyone think fraud priority.

so even vacciation happened and now over 70% of humanity dying

and japan released fukushima nuclear waste.

think natrually about actual reality.

of course it is~~~!!

and be smart and find way how to live and how to beware demons.

and many of people will failure and falling by demons.

while these insanity.

be smart.

it feel like, while everyone vaccinated how to you will not.

feel like while millions arrow on the sky but you never get shot not even single one.

it is super smart and very cool thing. while this evil world falling and going end.

while everyone fucked up ruin their mind and life everything consume by satan.

compromise? is it fucking have point?

but if you will not???

it worth.

it worth to being kindness and righteous and being smart.

while fucking douche vs demons.

just throw away fucking shitty retarededs.

and be yourself well. with common sense and respect others and kindness.

that is winner.

don't care douche pretending they think win and clapping about psychopath satanist crime.

what the fucking psychopath.

just throw away them.

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