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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

actual reality of advice.

people who not awaken is maybe not matter of awaken or not.

they are criminals.

should know this.

not cut off leftist japan means, not they don't know.

they know and they not cut off leftist japan on purpose.

because they are satanist and pedophile criminals.

must sure this part.

when someone agree with leftist japan.

it is means satanic pledged. and criminals.

that we should cut off and resist and fight against.

they are pledged their life for satanic demons.

so there is no consider.

they will keep praise demonic satan.

there is nothing else.

so, for real soul who can understand me and listen to me.

keep follow my guidance.

and grow up your soul.

and throw away completely. everything about this world.

because same to vaccination. if you trying to belong in this world.

inevitablely you damage and become robot.

from now on, since vaccination started,

actually there is already this world is over.

attack is already started and should admit end of world.

should admit truth. actual reality that humanity have no hope and any future.

not trying to not admit and trying to struggle for belong to world.

must get off from this world completely.

should give up your jobs and profit. if you necessary for cut off leftist japan.

and all agenda that world do.

if vaccination mandated then choose not get vaccinate, but should choose lose your job.

and actually should resist. resist means, you don't need to losing anything about claim your rights.

that must precede but look this world.

everyone compromise and everyone doing suicide now.

while these huge massive insanity.

if you necessary then just even if you losing about your worldly life.

but should choose, the righteous way.

because may ugly people and have no thought people think

they compromise is profit and gain.

but actually not. how much it number and majority is that is not true.

should be seriously sharp and should determined.

compromise means, you become part of system of world.

and you accept anything world agenda.

then it is inevitable. vaccination, chip implant, become robot.

there is no other choice actually not exist.

but people think this is some fantasy and consprioucy theory.

that is that people have no thought and never be smart.

that is all.

but just leave them keep acting like that.

important is basis on understand.

what you will choose.

become robot and giving up your soul?


while all these insanity and world end.

will you remain real soul.

this is that matter.

maybe you don't want and just want comfort.

but should decide.

follow satan demons or keep your soul and follow my guidance.

it is maybe too much pressure. because giving up worldly life is not easy.

but should lay down everything. if you need.

best way is all people awake and admit situation and resist and bring down joe biden and japan.

but if people not. then there is no other way.

every each individual must find your own way. with out this world.

that is what my ultimately correct explanation about this world and situation about actual reality.

those psychopath is not just criminals, it satanist demons. it different.

humanity is facing something really serious.

it is never normal. over 70% humanity vaccinated that wasn't even vaccine.

itself is already you should fucking admit what is going on now.

no fucking naive and retarded.

there is no fucking world that you expected and you knew.


awake from fucking dream.

do everything only for just cut off leftist japan and world agenda.

that is only way.

just cut off everthing except real soul and righteous, good, kindness.

there is no joke.

it is mean you should decide hell.

agree with leftist japan and trying to belong to this world means,

you will entering to hell.

there is no fucking world.

WORLD. that you think everything.

it self is just fake and psychopath under control.

your soul never get out and eternally trapped in hell and you should suffer eternally.

cut off leftist japan and world agenda. this world itself.

and minimalize everything about your life.

and prepare worst situation.

and just be yourself. and do cut off everything except be yourself.

so , literaly. why? why you should even have to do that?

you don't want? then should bring down joe biden and japan.

but people do?? people resist? no. they praise satan demons now.

but if you really smart.

then should decide to cut off this world itself completely.

it is satan demons way.

do not think world is joke.

it arleady started.

since vaccination.

just even admit fucking one single truth.

then know.

this is not a normal.

what was vaccination?

massive genocide bio weapon terror.

it happened. humanity itself is attacked.

and how it was worse?

nobody resisted.

and backwardly people clapping at it. and praise it.

this insanity.

and leftist japan murder rape and people agree with it.

nuclear waste dump.

also they praise it and clapping at it like fucking psychopath.

they do suicide and they praise their own slaughtering.

and even now people didn't get it what is fucking going on and what is right or wrong.

and 3 yaers and still even people not resist about even their own vaccine damage.

and when leftist japan lying.

then they believe it.

fucking feel like they are not even human at all.

just something serious lacked puppet NPC souless creepy beings.


massive insanity and psychopath demon.

for people not get understand.

this is almost war situation.

humanity is bio weapon damaged.

and evil demons want control every humanity.

with nanotech and chip implant 5G connected robot.

we become just crypto mining robot for digital currency.

they using people for psychopatic way.

it is anti social, anti humanity, psychopath.

something different.

satanist is not sane.

even people think just about money or something?.

no. it different.

what they doing thing is different.

it is something not even feel human.

and leftist japan keep trying to make everything joke.

they effort and struggle but it also completely brain fucked up different beings.

psychopath and satanic pledged.

nuclear waste dump and they saying.

it is fine. because there is experts confirmed it.

and it is nothing. it safe. victims are think too much.

they are wrong.

they saying like this.

vaccine was same.

they are psy op. brainwash. and satanist.

should recognize it.

they kill children and rape children and they think that is fun.

really. never trust them. it serious. there is no joke.

and that is most creepy part.

they trying to make you think everything is just a joke.

should notice it how it creepy and psychopath is.

people dying and suffer by vaccination.

and joe biden and democrats leftist just clapping at it.

and japan release nuclear waste and they keep pretending they are fine and nothing.

and keep murder rape and intimidate people and instruct people.

exploit people and manipulate.

and when they manipulate they even using children.

they are psychopath. satanic demons.

there is no joke or confuse or bullshit at all.

humanity is in threat of leftist japan psy op and killing.

that is situation. and all fear and can't resist.

because we all know. they will kill you.

they kill all humanity.

but speak truth.

leftist japan killing humanity now.

just saying and cut off. ban and cancel them.

shut off them.

and if you necesary.

then choose even if losing worldly life expectation.

but choose only one thing.

cut off leftist japan.

beware this mind.

get serious is not cool.

just forget about everything and enjoy life!! waoh!

murder rape! joke! fun!

that is winner.!!!

that leftist japan want make people psy op to this.

while humanity fucked up and dying and right before world war 3 and while end of world.

beware that insanity.

exactly do not agree with those mind.

miserable and weak. and coward. and never get serious about themselves.

and they never get serious about anything.

while those people failure and falling and perish into hell.

not become "that".

those something losers and hellish.

that is worth.

it worth and valueable.

same to vaccine. while every others follow anything look like trend and fucked up.

if you are not?

should know that. all demons creepy stuff is keep going forward now.

not only vaccine.

they preparing all ugly stuff.

only way is, cut off. and dis agree. and lay down worldly life expectation.

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