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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

admit reality and once admit then everything is clear.

everytime they new attempt bullshit and manipulation and interpretation and justfying.

went through all that over 3years.

if they attempt new thing.

then not confuse yourself.

it is not you people new confuse.

you fear, because they intimidate.

just once admit then do not repeat.

just know.

wow. they attempt bullshit as always been.

just fucking know what they doing.

what leftist japan doing now???

they manipulation and incidents and events and all crime and murder rape.

they do everything. they control everything.

that is what leftist japan doing now.

then when they new attempt bullshit.

then just what is matter?

it is not for confuse.

it is just new intidmiate and people new threatened.

amdit truth! admit reality.

what is situatio now.

admit reality.

not admit then just keep being retarded.


easy and simple.

they killing you all.

and there is no one save you.

and this is humanity under attacked.

all of you attacked by psychopath.

and they just mind control you with all that violence and intimidate.


there is nothing exist except resist.

agree with them and just all living in their shitty oppression and children will keep dying and raped.

even if media news stopped their creepy children death news with word twisting. because they caught.

but think about, even if there is no news, but if leftist japan keep their psychopath game, children will keep raped and murdered somewhere.

everytime you people agree with them.

must stop them.

and you people damaged and dying now.

no time wasting. there is no win or lose or pick a side at all!!!

psychopath killing humanity what are you trying to fucking care??

just resist.

people acting like,

leftist japan threat you with fist.

then you people shrink with fear and give them money and power.

and they now get earn knife.

and they threat you with knife.

then you people freaking out and give them to all money and power.

and they get earn gun.

and they threat you with gun.

then you people shrink with fear and give them to all money and power.

and they get earn military and nation and missile and nuclear.

and they threating you endlessly.

stop this retarded bullshit and just kill them.

shut off fucking bullshit and attack them.

do not repeat same pointless idiot byung sin.

just fucking resist.

just fucking admit truth.

not difficult.

who will kill you?

leftist japan killing you all now.

it serious more than you can accept.

so that's why people have no awareness about reality.

because it too much huge.

and leftist japan demons want you people think everything is joke.

while everything is not joke.

and why people so much easily fool.

when reality is too much hard to accept.

people trying to acting like not admit reality.

when too much it serious.

then people gone insane.

they want to denying reality.

so purposely just trying to laugh.

how serious is, over 70% humanity is damaged by vaccine, and children raped and killed for their fun.

then people just acting like,

"oh my god... hahahah.. it will be not real.. hahahha.. oh my god.. it can't be real..."

and people gone insane and leftist japan demons just consume your mind and soul.

people not that know about themselves is insane or not.

awake and there is too many fear and intimidate from leftist japan.

so you can't think logically.


stay in goodness and kindness.

surpass your own negativity.

respect others. get serious. recognize situation.

and keep read my blog again until you can understand.

do not feel pressure about resist.

it not that enormous. not mean you should do rebelion mode.

just claim what is correct.


claim your rights from your side first.

and when psychopath bullshit gibberish.

then shut off is of course. do not even listen.

do not give them to pretending.

just shut off.

and when people trying to agree with them.

then just saying,

hey, that is not right.

even if only that word. can very affect to this world good.

do not trying to treat yourself worthless.

all every each individual can speak simple truth.

only for that. that is what resist.

don't need to you should exaggerate or don't need to trying to win to them.

that "feel like win." leftist japan always they trying to giving people to feelings of they win.

that just fraud trying to make people fooled by their bluff. and when you coward and trying to pick a side.

then you just fucked up and they consume you endlessly.

do not fool by bluffing. "feeling like they win and feel like you should pick a side to them". feel like if you not pick a side then they will kill you.

"feel like."

but reality is, they killing all humanity now.

and that is just intimidate.

don't do their psychopath game.

just saying.

hey, that is not right. it so wrong.

you don't even need to not that saying much.

just at least do not aiding and support psychopath.

shut off them just. fucking psychopath.

don't lose hope.

already june is over.

people not that resist but also illuminati not that decide their specific actions at all.

but there was many crisis we overcome.

there was manything i predicted but didn't happened.

because they must make me liar first.

so just even now june is over and they still struggle only in that.

not happens is mean that all righteous people stopping it.

but there was clearly existed. UFO lying, and they keep trying to provoke russia and trying to make putin decide nuclear. second pandemic, mosquito attack. bacteria blame. covering vaccine damage.

everything clearly exist.

ukraine and US and NATO just attacking russia and trying to occuring nuclear war. and japan control everything from behind. japan do instructions and conducting.

and japan will keep effort and attempt nuclear war.

and you people can just claim your rights. make more sure about what you damaged. claim your vaccine damage and joe biden treason and mandate and all disinformation and psy op.

before they become more ugly.

those psychopath getting more worse and worse.

if you people agree with them.

then they actually believe they are right and people fooled.

they think they can kill people and it's okay to rape and murder children.

because people support them.

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