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admit ugly truth that don't want admit, then it feel better.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

people get mad when they fear and afraid about not good situation.

so vaccine is also same. and illuminati control.

those kind of thing. people don't want hear.

they denying. and giving up.

people get mad. why you talking about negative thing that i don't want hear!!!

yes. that sad. but accept is better.

admit is way better.

people are depressed and abused.

that going more worse.

admit quick and fast.

once admit it then really feel much more better and.

while all others consume by fear. literally demons control them.

but you will not.

then how it is nice.

that is really cool and realistic.

that is tough.

when illuminati doing another bullshit.

fool again? then just keep going more worse and worse.

cut off and admit quick and fast and lay down is best.

it really nice.

and what occuring in our mind.

righteous anger and common sense.

it really not right!!.

it is wrong. and it must be fixed. resist.

and keep our sanity.

you can notice, what was really important for us. for humanity.

you can notice what was really precious for our lives.

it really good. awake.

evil demons are collapsing now!!!


all truth, dodie death , tessa violet murder joke.

all that children killed according to you people agree with them.

just admit.

anyways nice. admit.

except actual criminals members.

if people who thought really that is something trend or fun.

because of your stupidity.

then just admit that and surpass.

there is too many ugly thing in this world.

children get raped and murdered. and people intimidated piece by pieces.

and all bullshit that ugly satanic pedophile psychopath murder joke.

how much people can being jerks.

that is not jerk. that is criminals psychopath something failed to being human.

don't be like that.

that is really wrong.

you can be mean, or evil, playful~

but that not mean you fucking laughing with psychopath pedophiles satanist.


you can feel not good, so you can pretending purposely offended and want to get mad and blame others, want to blame anything.

just all your lose and failure but you can't blame your self.

because too much weak for it.

right? si bal.


but that not mean you fucking aiding support psychopath pedophiles killing rape children.

if you didn't meant that.

then admit it. and cut off leftist japan. do not affected by them.

they doing psy op. they want you people to just care about cheap porn and violence for your failed loser life.

and surpass your negativity.

how much life is loser. but if someone trying to get earn comfort from children killing fucking joke.

that is something really wrong.

cut off psychopath.

how fucking miserable then trying to agree with them.

if you are not some sort of douche that trying to make your feel better with ugly psychopath crime.

just surpass that.

are you feel hate and jealousy to others?

feel like all others so much win and success but only your life is tragedy??

that all negativity.

that will tough to surpass.

that feeling, something stucked and suffer and something desperate.

feel like life not going well.

even all that feelings are just this evil world too much abuse people.

you know.

all commercials, celebrities, succesful people, famous, rich, power, endless oppression.

we are too much abused.

but they now started vaccination? they started attacking and killing us now.

even they not just abusing. now literally they killing us.

think positive.

at some point. that means, also,

you are it's okay to you not sturggle anymore.

you don't need to struggle.

for this world. this evil world. all that expectation about happiness, success, and get some money and get some fame.

feeling of winning.


but that now fucking all gone now. when they started vaccination.

feel like shit. but think another angle.

you don't need to struggle and suffer anymore.

and if you really want keep this world.

then resist. they trying to control and oppressing everything.

if you don't want lay down your obssession.

then fight and resist for your obssession.

if you really think this world is everything to you.

but that world is psychopath control and doing vaccination and all kind of stuff now.

then you should resist and speak truth. for world that you think that is everything to you.

me, personally. i don't think this world is everything.

but anyways same.

should resist and speak truth.

what about your jobs??? what about your succession and all that dream and expectation??

but they trying to occuring war, and vaccination?..

then literally what about your jobs and money and fame???

then resist and speak truth.

if they occuring war and economic collapse and digital currency.

then literally

what about all your jobs and money and fraud dream of yours.

if they chip implant to you.?

so there is no consider or confuse or compromise.

not exist.

we have only one path.

resist and speak truth.


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situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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