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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

already debunked japan psychopat manipulation, control, instructions.

seems japan now pretending and focus to framing.

but already what humanity went through was never gone anywhere.

never forget what they did.

already we saw what they did, and already people died and damaged.

already they did all bullshit and intimidate.

now they pretending they are not involve but instruct to president yoon for support ukraine.

just fucking frame and for labeling.

instructions with threatning.

but it's too late.

never works

now trying to attempt change their strategy lately.

but it so lately and already everything is debunked and revealed.

and now newly and endlessly fucking attempt bullshit again and again.

everyfucking time and every fucking time douche and retarded and fool.

keep shut off leftist japan and shut off their new attempt every fucking time.

they pretending they are good.

but no.

never works.

already people died and children murdered cruelly.

they never return from death. they are not a jesus.

but now you want to believe jesus return from death? lol.

already what you killed all that people and children never recover.

damage of their intimidate and psy op and blood clot never recover.

already debunked their all lying and murder and rape.

all that blood never washed.

over 3 years all that crime and violence.

fucking nothing change and nothing different.

leftist japan do all manipulation and psy op.

they want justfying.

shut off them and just attack leftist japan.

keep resist. all truth already debunked.

now they trying to faking it. but never works.

blood clot and death fucking never gone.

nuclear radio active exposure never turn into good.

lying never works and actual reality is cruel.

death is already exist and humanity is damaged.

disinformation, psy op, brainwash, intimidate, manipulation, distractions.

while all people dying, for covering genocide, killing children for surprise and fun.

they must pay the price.

it's time for punishment and perish.

shut off them and kill them.

attack them. keep resist.

ban and cancel all leftist japan psy op.

completely exclude them and make them never attempt any psy op spreading to humanity.

all brain fucked up psychopath.

those are dangerous.

they will keep trying to kill children anyways.

they want sustain their crime.

we must elimiate it.

make this world those leftist japan mind their psy op never exist.

must cut off and ban and cancel.

keep attack them.

if they not clearly defeated then they will attempt all bullshit again when they get chance.

they trying to waiting their another chance for all psy op again.

once vaccianted but whatever will next come.

when those psychopath keeping their operation.

humanity will fool and dying again like douche idiots.

children will die again.

resist completely.

whatever event and incident happens.

then they will trying to kill all others again and again. and again. and again.

and people die again and children die again and again.

and people pretending again and losers and jerks pretending and aiding and support them again.

and again.

and again. until all children of this earth die.

what humanity history should do is only one thing.

shut off leftist japan again and again repeat it until they completely eliminated.

just only do one thing.

denying them and attack them and ban and cancel leftist japan endlesly.

just repeat and repeat again.

for people and children who lost their lives. that never recover damage.

and your all damage and life and death.

that is only one political stance that humanity history will have only one thing.

cut off leftist japan and attack them for our entire lifetime.

they will keep control and manipulate and instructions.

endlessly shut off leftist japan again and again.

just repeat it

daily life practice for only one commandment.

anyways all your blood clot will never gone.

and every time your life condition going worse.

you must remember that leftist japan killed you.

they make suffer you and sicking you and kill you.

and you will bankrupt and hospitalized and death and suffering.

everytime you suffer and going die more and more.

will you fucking laughing with them?

attack them and shut off them until last moment.

fight against and resist.

never forget what they did to you. and all entire humanity.

anyways all your blood clot will never gone.

and every time your life condition going worse.

you must remember that leftist japan killed you.

they make suffer you and sicking you and kill you.

and you will bankrupt and hospitalized and death and suffering.

everytime you suffer and going die more and more.

will you fucking laughing with them?

attack them and shut off them until last moment.

fight against and resist.

never forget what they did to you. and all entire humanity.

everytime people dying and sick.

everytime vaccine side effect occuring suffer.

what was all that distraction and cheap porn fucking fun game?

fucking get serious.

it is serious.

psychopath killed all people.

not even just killing.

trying to fucking consume people for their profit.

but what was over 3 years you people care about?

sex tie knot buckle murder rape and surprise for children death and children get shoted.

and cheap word twisting joke with it. and laughing with psychopath creepy satanists.

all that fucking ugly creepy violence that never forget.

all that 3 years how it was???

just fucking look back all that again.

children fucking dying everday.

murder and rape and cheap porn joke and people intimidated.

piece by pieces. if you resist then you fucking dying and get raped and mocking and labeling and psychopath crazy brain fucked up ugly

shitty scumbags killing all humanity.

and even now nuclear waste and endless pretending that

just fucking obvious and already debunked.!!!

what humantiy history should do only one thing.

everytime you suffer. and people suffer.

never forget what they did. that all over 3years most worst time in humanity history.

cut off leftist japan and ban and cancel and attack them.

just endlessly.

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