901 Cherry Avenue
United States
you can also fire or explode this building.
i want it. i said i want it. and i instruct and ordered.
attack youtube
and kill anyone who employees
here is ultimate truth test.
i said kill YouTube employees
it will happen? or not happen?
kind of fucking very all your pretending revealing questions.
can you fucking pretending?
then all fucking murder.
so much clear then what is your pretending meaning?
you agree and aiding psycho murderers for your cowardness and you killed all people.
make sure, mother fuckers.
if it not
then youtube employees will die,
dice is thrown
let's check conclusion.
all word twisting murder you aiding and you supported.
fun game.
who is murderer?
who aiding murderers?
who is coward?
who is killed all people?
all answer revealing !!