people aware and becareful those japanese war psy op activities.
every media news or trend or politics. is controled japanese war activities for killing and rape children.
so aware that well. and becareful.
don't get affect by any japanese war psy op trend or story and fiction they made up and control play along.
japan mocking people and slaughter people.
need awareness to people for information. that media news and official goverment never tells you.
but in between people. from people. each others.
protect each others and inform each others about situation.
notice that abscence of goverment function it occupied by enemy japan.
so there is vaccine and pandemic budget passed and fauci pardon and joe biden treason didn't arrested and japan war crime is keep happening and zelensky didn't arrested, netanyahu didn't arrested.
check about only fact.
and awareness information about what JAPAN doing.
sabotage attack. as war purpose. and enemy occupied goverment and military obey to japanese.
so there is danger,
when it enemy occupied they trying to planning second pandemic global event of attack.
but when people didn't informed and when military troops obey to japanese instructions.
they could using weapons for obey and serve japanese enemy.
then people could more die in those global events of attack pandemic, and quarantine camp of POW camp for slaughter that japanese want kill every americans.
don't need to pretending or doing secret tasks for delusion of fame and money.
japan doing war. it is killing and murder rape slaughter.
with those global events. they make it happen.
but it is dangerous. okay?
even if you are media news employees. you must arm yourself and should fight against to japanese.
do not make it happen.
pandemic budget passed but trump didn't even arrested joe biden and doing nothing but zionism.
that is situation.
very not nice.
so don't need to feel any pressure.
just naturally accuse that situation.
and becareful. those disinformation or psy op by japan.
let's make it happen. fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog. children sex trafficking. boy arrested. that pedophiles slang and trend.
japan rape children and eat baby.
and doing war. through using pandemic unofficial war.
that using bio weapons and killing people.
also using trend.
and sabotage attack. like plane crash. accident. incident. whatever is japan doing it.
inform this to each others.
and should protect each others. with trustable person.
who not agree with japan. who not doing secret tasks for obey to japan.
find those people you can trustable.
who will not rape your children. who will not think fun about your baby head cut off.
but do not trust japanese otani fans dangerous people.
they think and feel about fun and entertaining about rape children, baby head cut off and pregnant teenager dies.
so becareful those people.
when global events of attack situation like intended pandemic with pandemic budget passed.
those people are dangerous.
"you will not die by pandemic but you will murder by otani fans".
that is more possiblity of actual death cause.
so becareful those threat.
"threat" = otani fans who think fun and entertaining about rape children and baby head cut off and pregnant teenager dies.
who ready for rape your children when in anytime if there is chance.
otani fans.
people are dying everyday by those "let's make it happen" evil crime.
one by one. day by day.
and we living in fear. just wishing to it wouldn't be me.
and just trying to irresponsible. and trying to dedicate others for sacrifice.
and that cowardness. is just absurd.
you know. we dying.
many people lost their lives.
and we should worry about.
we concerning our safety.
but if we ignore this. then it keep happens.
and pandemic budget already passed.
not good situation.
can't just ignore this "make it happen".
while watching everyday people die one by one.
we fear it. we worry about.
can't live like this. should need to speak up.
can't make thing any more worse.