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being consprioucy theorist is great advantage about life and surviving and profit.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

maybe consprioucy theorist is feel like.

everything is fake.!!! whatever is fake~~!!

what me saying.

that looks like negativity. but it is positive.

but actually yes.

world itself is fake. everything is fake. there is nothing is real.

omg how could be everything is fake?!! consprioucy theorist is very annoying.

but. that is what truth is.

if should have to say.

protein? that is cricket. bug. insect.

but people don't want to hear about it.

i don't know why people don't like it.

it is funny. actually. knowing truth is. very fun and intersting.

we thought protein was something protein powder.

but actually it was insect powder.


and those information is profit.

very profit. and fun and nice.

because it is profit.

make buffed GYM guy never know this. and watching them eating it.

that is profit and advantage more than others.

just don't feel negative responde about knowing truth.

information is profit.

hidden dirty dark secret of this earth.

why not fun???

being consprioucy theorist is better.

and can avoid every fraud sacm while others die.

think about vaccine.

when even if every ohters vaccinated. but what if you don't??

knowing truth is very fun.

that advantage is very fun and nice good.

rather be consprioucy theorist than be leftist.

it is good for profit and surviving.

even we die. if we not inform ourselves.

world is cruel.

never be naive.

opposite against to this evil world. then that direction will be leads you into somewhere.

somewhere that obviously opposite direction of evil world. (secret)

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