so. leftist just yelling like
omg!! trump you must explain this!!! japan did crime to leftist but why you not tell anything??? you must make sure about you are not a same side of japanese !! joe biden criminals!!!
blame it. just like you did that always before as used to.
you guys hate trump. but why not blame it.?
if you blame it.
then also right wing side nice. of coursely should protect nation first.
not a quedemic.
not attacking nation with quedemic. stopping it.
we can ask this to trump and regardless white house or congress or military media news to anyone.
have no problem.
omg there is "attack" of quedemic you trying to doing it with on purpose because you want to doing it !!!
and i ask to you need to stop this.
have any problem?
but japanese stabbing you and kill you right?
so accuse it.
there is "quedemic attack" is exist. and we need to ask to stop this.
everyone know vaccine is bio weapons and pandemic is intended global events of attack.
and when trump not accuse this.
it is blame rightfully.
leftist can blame it rightfully.
rightwing can blame it rightfully.
and you guys should have to.
quedemic attack wild fire attack sabotage chemical leak attack vaccine attack let's make it happen attack on united state of america civlians and children.
has been existed.
and when trump not accuse this.
should blame it.
and leftist. you can blame it.
and have no problem.
so when everytime japan trying to "let's make it happen" crime with their interpretation and lying.
should say like this.
not surprise yourself with japanese crime.
pandemic, vaccine, wild fire, chemical leak, UFO .. apply it.
i know [crime] that "you" did because "you" want to.
japan : omg!! guys!! something happened!! you must surprise yourself with this!!!
you : ah? that? that [crime] "you" did. because you want to ?? i know it.
not surprise yourself like
omg.. something happened?!!! is it really UFO???
don't be like this.
just say what you already know.
oh? that crime?
that [pandemic, vaccine, wild fire, chemical leak, UFO, whatver blah blah] "you" did that because "you" want to do???
you mean.
say this.
speak this.
not argue with japanese lying and bullshit.
appealing it. just say it naturally.
oh. i know. "that" crime you did. because you want to.
i didn't surprised. i know you did that because of you want to.
speak this.\
it all same method.
not there is pandemic happen.
not chemical leak happen.
not UFO appear happen.
not climate change crisis happen.
japan "doing it" because they want to.
it not happens. japan doing it because they want to doing it.
so they do.
not a there is argue or interpretation.
japan do kill people because they want to kill people.
japan rape women and children. becaue they want to rape.
that is same.
think about. you want to rape someone. then you do rape it. because you want to rape it.
then whatever word is detected word is same. and something happnes!!
so vaccine. pandemic. wild fire. UFO. climate change.
all in same context.
it not happen for with out reason.
it happens. because "make it happens".
can see that reality?
think about rape.
why you do rape? with any reason. but because you want to rape. then whatever you made up reason.
it all same to easy to know. why that happens?
kill japanese.