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aware and keep in mind.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

February 11, 20231:24 PM GMT+9

expression of it's looks similar to china spy balloon but this time is unidentified object.

but anyways, they started UFO incident. preparing process about pre-brainwash things.

keep it mind. just keep it mind.

for now this kind of signal is looks not important.

but later is important.

another thing happen. then should remind this kind of signal.

for tracking and complete real truth.

we don't know what is real truth. but these kind of signal sorting, then later can prepare and realize.

cut off leftist and japan.


there is easy measure about truth.

do backward and think backward with them.

opposite direction.

조회수 12회댓글 0개

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it is global event of attack by japan emergency is in nowadays issue. that is happening now. crime and casualties and damage is there....


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