should worry and concern about many thing.
but mostly how to keep sanity will be important.
already many of people in insanity.
but things going worse
then, people could can't handle it anymore.
who can keep sanity is true winner.
how ever prepare food or water or have money or power or weapon.
if you gone insane, then it meaning nothing.
if you losing your mind.
then what is all that meaning?
but it feel like just same issue to marks of beast and all fraud paradox.
actually someone who can keep sanity while in crisis absolutely don't accept marks of beast or vaccine at first place.
really.. if fit the fundamental puzzle then rest part just automatically fit.
anyways, before world gone insane, then also insanity come together.
so should prepare mental issue too.
so trying to explain it?.. but accidentally and naturally
it just same issue to oppression and free will.
why that was important?
why you shouldn't losing it?
which one is most valueable?
what you should most keep first priority?
answer will be always same.
so, prepare but also should prepare your mindset and awareness that make your mind keep sanity.
and what is need for this?
cut off leftist japan. but cut off their thought and perspective too.
cut off them completely.
don't buy thought from criminals.
it feel like you buying thought but worst low inteligence and criminal perspective.
atomic heart expression like, there is marketer selling thought device in street.
just like they selling phone or something useful and trend.
"hey, would you buying any thought? how about "stand with ukraine?" you can send all your money to ukraine, how about "bullshit"?? it is nice violet color! how about "vaccination?" how about "uncivilized criminals joke?" let try? or you die."
people just buying thought, from media, from trend, but even from a criminals.
all bullshit cheap porn joke.
criminals do that? should you like it?
no, just cut off.
don't buy that thought. you can't keep sanity if you just trapped in that awareness.
should think for yourself.
that make you keep sanity.
but if trying to depend to most worst low inteligence garbage way of mind.
absolutely never helping.
what i warn is, not just tribulation come, but when tribulation come.
huge insanity will come together.
and many of people have no ability to facing it. at all.
my blog, what i wrote article.
copying it and printing it and just keep it.
that also will be help.
so, what if apocalypse happen? then you need some paper of my article ?
who need that? why need that?
because i wrote all truth. you can't find truth from anywhere.
and you will just gone insane.
recognize situation is important.