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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

CBDC and intended economic collapse predictable.

Zimbabwe is preparing to launch a gold-backed digital currency, according to a report from the state-run Sunday Mail that cited John Mangudya, the governor of the country's central bank.

Hyperinflation has plagued Zimbabwe's economy for over a decade, ravaging the country's currency, which has rapidly weakened against the greenback since the beginning of 2022.

when saw the zimbabwe situation. you can easily know.

US is now in debt and default and right before collapse.

zimbabwe was already collpased. then they started CBDC.

what is mean,

if you, US bank run and all kind intended elite planned thing happens.

then, that is mean, you will goes to same.

illuminati want do CBDC in world. they want control money with digital.

that is CBDC but also it relate to all other their agenda.

marks of beast,

chip implant and 5G internet connected human cyborg transhumanism robot.


if money itself go to digital, you can't buying or selling.

then you must accept their chip implant.

after you chip implanted? then you become puppet.

about economics. there is problem.

i don't trying to unnecessarily scare people and make shrink them.

im not experts.

but first of all, CBDC must be stopped. it all goes to naturally marks of beast and all any other agenda.

but problem is. i don't know how.


that's why must people discuss each others and make experts involve.


economic have some problem.

it already some kind of tyranny of illuminati elites.

so if they just occuring economic collapse purposely.

then there is no way.

that just matter of their will.

that just matter of their choice.

also even exist about when they not interfere,

ecnomical phenomenon is exist.

but anyways.

if they do things, then it just.

feel like how much we effort with paddle. but if huge wave come.

then just all our effort is become nothing and ship is just floating.

we can't do anything.

economical collpase is just their choice.

not our concern at all.

just find way of best sneaky way of your own way.

i can't advice but everyone will have your own way.

in my guess.

anyways it is elites choice.

then people must appeal your selves.

you are very well informed about what they will do.

noticing that to elites know that.

and you know already truth.!!

i know what you will do! like.

so speak and appeal your opinion very correctly.

we know what is CBDC and how it will go!!

and we will not agree with it.

and about how you can prepare about their tyranny of economic collapse is up to you.

anyways it could be come. their goal is agenda 2030

and they anyways all planed like great reset.

so it is could be inevitable.

CBDC is something they must step on.

for achieve their goal of NWO.

in my guess it is inevitable.

those elites are even they occuring war.

they have no jokes.

they will trying to not giving up what they want to do.

people must well prepared.

but i don't know "how."

that you must every each individual should find way.

everyone will have your own circustoms and your own situation about your property.

find strategy. according to your circustoms.

do everything for your own self.

how to stop and resist to CBDC with out economical knowledge?

but anyways they don't using economic knowledge about when they purposely occuring economic collpase.

so we don't need knowledge too.

CBDC is.. digtal money is about vanishing money.

money become not exist. and they control.

and basically people actually not own their own money at all.

also concern about EMP attack will make your property 0.

and hacking or solar storm can make your money just gone.

because it digital.

and it is just FED goes to FED2.0.

same. paper FED turn into digital FED.

just replace like.

elite want new clothes. like.

but it feel like going more worse than ever.

that is CBDC. originally money was always been in their control and it will always been.

but digital money is more worse.

and it brings marks of beast.

so stopping CBDC is consequently protect FED?

or end the FED and go to CBDC is solution of end oppression??

no. those both are same.

just it matter of it is digital oppresion or paper oppression.

only that difference.

so fundamentally "opression" and "tyranny" is the problem.

and US must independed. that problem could be there?

i heard US is not nation.?? not repubilc??. i don't know details.

and FED not belong to US nation.

so if US become just US. maybe that is actual correct solution?.

i guess. US dollar not belong to US. that kind of situation.

can US prepare about predictable tom clancy division situation and predictable economic collpase?

resist and awake.

keep the cash. that is correct. but not mean admit FED oppression.

what is mean, we must stop it goes to CBDC first of all.

because that is more worse ever. it brings marks of beast.!

that is correct. but sustain paper money not means helping FED oppression.

and further more, also should claim end the FED oppression.

but it's not mean we should end the paper money.

just correct and fix only wrong part. that is important.

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