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chemical overwrite

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

suddenly chemical leak incident Michigan, ohio, arizona etc. at same time recently. seems america situation completely chaos.

vaccine. vaccine. vaccine. vaccine. vaccine.

remember. if you sick. then most , the most affect is directly injected chemical stuff that before. hm.. that maybe trying to overwrite???

think about, if someone died, but you can find chemical element you can found from dead people is recently overwrited stuff can be officially cause of death. there is also vaccine. but vaccine is fine right? doctors will think. oh there was also vaccine but it is not cause of death. you know. because that is vaccine. and there is poison detected!!! from dead body!! oh!!! chemical stuff leaked recently!!!

overwrite means, why chemical thing must leaked. why that is necessary.

same category. to a vaccine.

if you poisoned someone, but what need to cover your poison that you used. it must be another poison.

it seems my guessing make sense...??

why must chemical leak incident.


chemical leaks can presume many way. but sure thing is. that will be used by new labeling and blame object for ditraction. instead of vaccine.

what is mean "official"?

that ridiculous agreement between people. knowing world killing us but implict agree with just silience. because according to fraud profit prioirity. so officially world is fine and you must just care about cheap porn and joke. and die. officially die. and cause of death will officially there will be no problem about your death is just officially have no problem. just. oh? someone died. well. maybe vaccine will never relate with this. because officially. (my fraud profit must precede to everything!!!!! wraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!)

fraud priority must keep. regardless people die or not.

조회수 15회댓글 0개

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it is global event of attack by japan emergency is in nowadays issue. that is happening now. crime and casualties and damage is there....


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