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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

clear defintion of good and evil. justice. illuminati paradox.

righteousness is require understanding of evil.

so there is difference about good and choice of good.

not just good. it could be just oppressed evil.

it actually not a good. it could be actually evil. but just they don't know and don't have understand about their own evil.

state of they not have experience of process about understand and surpass evil.

that is can't define as good.

so choice of goodness means righteousness.

and righteousness is people who can understand of evil and understand of abyss of human mind.

but people who can control it.

and evil means, people who consumed by it.

like, they have no control or understand.

evildoers they can feel their evil but they can't recognize their own evil mind.

and just acting like animals. animals only focus something in front of their own face.

that very similar.

and there is still very difficult to define.

what is punishment and trial.

it is mean, do evil to evil.

how to objectively can it define as it excute as righteouness.

i believe it can have correct standard.

there is objectivity. it really hard to explain.

but i can feel it.

what is justice.

evil to evil.

good precede to evil and can including evil. clear answer.

and it can explain that all good and evil paradox. then it can destroying justfying of evil.

good and evil definiton is very clear.

but illuminati trying to control others.

but why not control your self?

and it is werid. their obssession about control is pointing outward.

because maybe they feel they failing about their control own selves.

so they trying to obssessive about control others.

evil is giving up and weakness and disabled.

no power, no ability to can't stop or control about own abyss.

no understand.

and just consumed by it.

it is not even order.

they also talk about new world order like thing.

like "order"

but they don't have order too.

they all just pointing outward to something exactly they don't have.

something exactly they don't have.

what they talk about is everything about

exactly what they don't have.

very accurate?

order, control.

that fucking you do that to your ownself fucking idiot.

that's what you need.

so that's why you trying to ask and demend for it.

but it's not you ask that to others.

you need to ask that to your own self.

that is your need.

very correct?

because you want control and order.

because you need it.

but it need it for your own self.

others don't need.

but you need that.

vaccinated yourself and you must be controled by brainchip implanted

because you can't control your own evil.

that is your own self refelction.

but not others~

you fucking seeing your own fucking face on the mirror and get mad.

but you seems trapped in echo chamber so nobody telling you that?

think about it seriously.


you need brain chip control. because you are psychopath.

that is what feel "you need". that is "you" need.

not others.

others don't feel need from that.

but you feel "needs" about control and order.

because you need that.

can understand?

i think i win.

it is historical.

control yourself. you feel you should control others means you feel you should control yourselfl like that way.

you need oppression for yourself.

because you failing about control yourself.

you know what. i will ask to a god. give me infinite power.

and if god ask me to. why you need that power?

anyways i will not using it.

maybe can't even using half of half of half of half of that power.

but anyways give it to me.

maybe i will using nano particle of dust of god's power. when i have god's power.

you will can't understand. illuminati will can't understand this.

anyways i solved even "your problem" too.

thanks to me.

you need oppression for yourself.

answer is clear and you can't even denying it.

you are lose completely and objectively im right.

and you are objectively wrong.

there is no ohter opinion.

i won.

you feel control and order because you feel you need it. because you don't have it.

so fuck youself.

simple. and easy.

externalize reflection.

it is your own world.

you recognize world as your own brain self feelings.

so you trying to upon in this world to powerful order and oppression control.

because that actually

you need.

in your world of your mind.

you trying to reflect it to actual reality of outside.

but what happen thing is your inside.

but it externailize.

so you think world need powerful oppression.

but actually that you recognize yourself to a world.

but what you "see" is world of your mind.

so you want bring oppression and control and order to this world?

you can brain chip your self.

who need brain chip?? psychopath who can't control themselves.

you need that.

you feel necessity.

that is yours.

not others.

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