everything is just leftist japan what they manipulation what they want to.
they just dancing and kill humanity now.
just cut off whatever they bullshit fucking gibberish.
just everything is they occuring.
including that 3years children every day raped and murdered for their fun.
and money keeps going to ukraine and joe biden skin masks democrats epstein isalnd and guantanamo celebrities disgusting.
japan selling cheap porn and ANIME bullshit byung sin.
and you people dying suffer vaccine blood clot and fucking people murdered and already died and don't even officially not a vaccine cause.
and media just provide to killing rape children and ugly jerks entertain it.
and all companiese just trying to get some money and helping their bullshit.
and world is just psychopath cheap level of retarded bullshit.
cut off leftist japan and stand on common sense.
common sense is what sustain our world in sanity.
insane psychopath murder rape violence japanese shitty scumbags.
and bullshit tessa violet what is hot and cool byung sin.
all that bullshit and worthless losers and jerks and psychopath demons just consume people
and people depressed and abused and intimidated and oppressed.
fucking shut off leftist japan and don't even care ever again.
completely just shut them off.
throw away bullshit.
and get mad about this situation. and attack them and cut off them.
ban and cancel and completly shut off them.
get mad and recognize situation.
how humanity is murdered by them.
illuminati and evil satanic jesuit and rothschild and british royal and vatican and pope and all crime. maybe there is even more unknown forces.
that is leftist japan they are including same side.
and cut off leftist japan because they lead everything.
and about unrealistic part, that because "when in presume of that is real, " what i saying is "if you are true or fake, god will never misunderstand you". that discussion is over.
illuminati feel like presume that too much. i don't sure but seems they have sure.
they weirdly trying to make stop their side trying to believe god and stand on my side.
there is weird thing sometimes i felt was, from their evil side, sometimes they know something? feel like they presume about rapture,
and it is not me is illuminati, from illuminati side. they trying to repent and stand on my side.
that's why keep doubt about wtf? is that real?
can understand??? not me is their side, they attempt trait their own side and sometimes trying to pick my side. then illuminati immedieatly attack them and stop them.
that is what for in case of when unrealistic part is real.
so just don't need to obssessive about it.
and wondering,? then let's defeat leftist japan and let see what will happen.
i also wonder, why they acting like that.
and what is people should know is.
satan strucuture is leftist japan is something they are almost just top of head now.
they lead everything. every lying, and every bullshit they psy op and every manipulation, every justfying, that from satan to leftist japan.
so cut off fundamental part.
then all rest part automatically fit.
when defeat democrats joe biden and japan pedophiles psychopath.
then maybe all rest of them will choose their move.
but i guess they will covering and faking their official death or arrest.
important thign is how can stop them? exactly how stop what they doing?
cut off leftist japan!!!! they execute everything and they pledged for satan.
cut off them then everything going right.
evil doer.
how can express that.
demon foreman
and all rothschild british royal jesuit vatican illuminati hiding behind them.
so there is satan and who is demon doer.
leftist japan.
they do all rape murder, intimidate, psy op, brainwash, fram, labeling, slandering, crime, violence, threatning, manipulation, interpretation, confusing, everything.
everything fucking leftist japan doing satanic pledged psychopath fucking demons.
cut off them. it seriously dangerous.
what is most pefect way to how to we not attack by demons???
be kind and be nice.
demons always consume your own negativity.
It takes two to tango.
demons interact your own negativity.
so how their fraud and psy op works?
when you consume by negativity then demons control you.
so how to avoid vaccination? what was point.
should awake and well informed and fraud mind.
i think fraud mind is most cause.
because trying to living life for succession and money and fame.
that ugly fraud mind. you know.
fucking your fraud dream.
then trying to just pretending and trying to follow trend anything look like cool or many people agree with.
then just vaccinating your own self and blood clot and rotten smell die.
and while demons laughing at you and you laughing with them.
so that is all same.
leftist japan bullshit and rape murder women and children while you just care about cheap porn and you just slowly dying and rotten.
and you laughing with them.
media provide to you ugly news.
children get raped and murdered!!!
then people just not get bored.
people like it, and trying to occuring more.
so they know how to.
agree with leftist japan and support them.
then media gives you children rape and death news.
and people so much fun with it.
fun. game.
omg ~ fun game!!!
and labeling others and word twisting.
and intimidate people and instruction to what they do.
make them praise leftist japan bullshit.
and children more die and more raped.
all you people did.