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correct mind set what we can considerable.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

what we can learn. what was wrong. and what we need.

there is right and left.


****"if you people do samething to right to when you did to leftist."***

then everything is same and we will never get earn any rights.

we must get off from our weird slave mind that stucked.

so, how we can be smart.

do not pick a side but should throw away worldly life expectation.

but you should become your own life's owner.

the commons. people who don't belong to any sides.

think yourself is individual and who don't have side.

that is your side. becasue people too much obssesive about they should pick a side.

then think your own self and commons who don't pick a side is a side.

then will feel better.

what was happened was vaccination bio weapon terror on humanity.

we, commons, ourselves, normal people.

we are the side, and we are the independant subject.

because when we thought world is fine, and picked a side.

then they started vaccination.

but why people couldn't resisted? and why after 3years now, even now vaccine is just officially fine. because media news didn't said anything.

there is no one exist. who speak for you.

you should speak from your side.

that is what side you should pick is your own self.

no one speak for you at all. there is no your rights.

but you should claim it.

but wasn't it just what we knew about what was democracy is?

but seems people just forgot everything.

basic rights of ours.

weirdly, leftist is claim they are democrats but they don't have any awareness about democracy.

they just pick a side and never claim their individual rights.

what you fear about? is labeling from bunch of majority.

but you were care about democracy? that not sounds like democracy at all.

there is LGBTQ+ or BLM like "community" exist.

groups of people gathering and they are thugs. right?

they do labeling and attacking people. that is what they doing.

in the name of underprivliged, they can justfying all violence.

but it seems never sounds like something democracy at all that we knew.

first of all, there is no individual. that is must we focus about.

and once we went through huge attack.

so people will quite tired and been traumatized about this world, and worry about what if all others is same.

we should defeat democrats first anyways.

but even they still doing crime but don't need to worry about.

just step by step. first of all. cut off leftist japan democrats, zelensky.

we didn't even yet didn't resist at all. even now.

even now joe biden treason doing president and zelensky not arrested and keep intimidate world.

and vaccine is not officially problem.

should speak and discuss.

and just keep awake, anyone can compromise for money and rape children.

people are ugly and shitty garbages.

throw away expectation. this world is evil and not exist for you.

demons owns it and we just consumed by it.

so noticing fast who is compromise.

and do not pick a side and do not extreamist.

"common sense" and "common people"

just individual rights. basis on it, and treat others and world.

be your self. and treat others basis on that thought.

and there is lack of kindness and goodness.

that make us can't see world correctly.

there is good and evil. but you trying to see this world with only evil.

good is lacked. then it is not objective.

and it is scientifically right. when vaccination happened. even doctors and experts fooled.

that is something not fit. how that is possible.

those people are smart and not stupid. but vaccinated.

it is just compromised for this evil world.

worldly life expectations.

this world is really sicking tired and huge disappointment.

all that people just who follow money and fame.

fraud priority. how ugly. and what happened.

vaccinations, blood clot, sudden death, disabled people, women and children get raped and murdered.

and people what they did. they joke and mocking their death and suffer.

for fun.

don't even need to expectation about this world. that is reality.

people fun and purposely wanted it.

vaccination is not about inteligence.

it matter of spritual. goodness and kindness.

that what this world lacked. what we lacked about.

if you aiding support evil demons.

demons can kill you easily.

recover your soul!!!

it nice.

it is good.

feel like floating on cloud. flying sky.

can know every truth can see world correctly.

and perfect.

no negativity~

but those leftist japan demons just constantly gibbeirsh and brainwashing you

you should wrath and ugly and should care about cheap porn, always desperate and jealousy to others and ruin others for fun game.

those demons.

shut off them completely.

soul recover and very nice.


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situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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