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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

criminals know who did that all crime. victims know who did that all crime. everyone know japan did that.

do not fear japanese intimidate anymore.

and speak truth officially discussion about japanese crime happening in nowadays.

people died officially in main stream media news front page.

more people keep die and children rape by japanese.

and blood clot death big pharma bio weapons.

all that japanese crime. for they rape children.

and kill people and shogun domination officially they said.

it is officially japan is crime that everyone know.

criminals even know it is japan did.


because how to rape celebrities you want to rape?

how to kill people who you want to hate and kill??


japanese "let's make it happen" crime buisness.

that is vaccine pandemic and every war on earth.

death toll keep rise and people die.

by japan.

how to get earn money?

you should otani wins and shogun dominate bullshit obeying to japanese.

everyone know some buisness how to get earn money.

and yes.

that is fucking pandemic and vaccine and war.

that your japanese obeying let's make it happen is your own death.

as we know.

victims know it is japan so they can't pointing correct suspect to japanese.

and criminals also know it is japan did all that crime so they should ask who want to rape to a japanese.

when you want to rape children. then you ask that japanese first.

and japanese lying then intimidated people compromise for fear.

and criminals encourage it.

every nation goverment and politicians and military know this fact.

how to rape children?

encourage japanese crime and purposely defending them and lying for them.

and make commmercial for japanese.

make song for japanese.

and get earn chance to rape chlidren.

everyone know this buisness.

should accuse it for your damage and death.

japan doing effort for crime everyone know.

we can see japanese crime activites and their lying effort.

accuse japan officially.

japan killed your nation people family and children.

everyone know this buisenss.

and missing kidnapping.

porn snuff head cut off baby infant kill.

human trafficking auction and children smuggle.

everyone know japanese crime buisness.

it is openly official about humanity history and diplomatic.

japan also admit this. they don't even hiding it.

everyone know japan killed all people and children.

so feel like.

wasn't it? another illuminati?? but not a japan??

then. if joe biden is treason.

then zelensky is because ukraine then that is another illuminati?

it all crime is connected each others.

but people want to trying to exclude japan. that just because murder rape is there.

so people don't want giving up that rape celebrities porn fun.

should lay down that obssession blood living sacrifice ritual.

don't do that.

for yourself.

becaue that all about runs illuminati buisness.

how it works.

but. people have powerful desire for just wanting to rape celebrities and kill celebrities.

that not good for your own profit too.

so speak truth.

and intimidate was there. so people want make sure about their safety first.

trying to decide their stance after according to circumstance.

but that is not a solution.

should accuse those crime from at first place and always been.

then have no problem. thing not getting worse.

should get off from those blood living sacrifice ritual of satanism.

and celebrities used by it as consumable.

that just barbaric and cruel primal.

should speak out loudly.

if not then those insane people slightly trying to revealing their true color.

and that really disgusting to watching it.

they trying to appealing themselves into pedophiles.

and trying to encourage let's make it happen.

trying to kill celebrities. for their blood desire.

that really disappointment.

should discussion. and speak out.

should surpress them for can't do that.

make them can't even attempt it.

omg right there!! are you trying to do "let's make it happen" secret tasks??? is that?? right? "

"i know what you trying to doing." right there!!!

people over here!! look at those fuckers trying to do "let's make it happen" crime!!! pedophiles is confirmed!!! right there!!!!

oh my god!! look at those "word on purpose" for encourage blood death sacrficie ritual of satanism!!!!!!

wow!!! look at that....!!!

right. there!!!!

i know what you trying to do!!!!

word? why? trying to make another celebrities fall from hotel for hot???


is that what you trying to do??

"let's make it happen"????????

is someone said that?? who said that??

what did you said?

"let's make it happen?????"

did you just said that?? really? serious.??

are you some pedophiles???


trying to jumping into your pedophile clown audition???

are you????

should stop them.

they keep encourage those blood sacrifice ritual of "let's make it happen".

and that. is return to us with damage and pandemic and missing kidnapping and vaccine and war.

that "buisness". is about killing people.

we should stop that insanity.

that "blood death living sacrifice ritual" = "let's make it happen" crime.

it looks like trend. and people crazy about it.

about blood makes them excite.

those death news, surprise news, make them stimulation exciting.

so people who want those stimulation.

they encourage that "let's make it happen" crime movment.

so that behavior is blame.

shouldn't do that. do not involve to satanism death cult ritual.

it is bad. and wrong. and serious. too many people lost their lives with it.

i declare want you people to stop it.

so say like this.

ask to people to stop encourage those insanity.

just should say it.

hey. i want you to stop. about encourage and support those of blood sacrifice ritual known as "let's make it happen" crime trend.

i don't want feel disappointment from you. i want ask you to stop.

i want trust you.

should say like this.

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