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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

cut off leftist japan is everything

최종 수정일: 2023년 2월 13일

they are the thug killing humanity murderer exactly.

whatever they claim is all just have purpose for justfying and lying their crime and tyranny.

and they never care truth.

they only care about "anyways they will do kill murder crime and threat others."

so their violence actually don't need cause but they create cause purposely anyways

and they will kill you and all others.

so must fight and resist to those leftist japan byung sin.

if they want kill others and oppressing others. then they do that anyways because they want only that violence.

so whatever they claim or not. it meaning nothing and pointless.

they kill others anyways.

that is everything. or humanity will all die by them.

and that is all.


throw away them

and if they forcing their brainwash and anything they instruct.

refuse it, and if they threat your life and job.

just lay down and leave.

if aiding them.

they will more and more they believe their killing is right and sheep keep fool like idiot so they think they are safe and fine.

and people will keep dying.

"if you have enough personal data on somebody you are able to predict what it is that they're going to do. you can tell what they might be passionate about. but mostly you can tell what they fear. and if you can tell what someone fears, then you can manipulate them and you can move them in particluar direction."

that theory make huge succeed and achieve for vaccinate humanity and kill them.

RT or not, click or not. that is so much important to them.

so when it not works, they confuse and can't understand. and be obssesive that theory. that once bring them huge succees to kill others.

it verified and they believe and depend to it too much.

they can't let go that.

so if someone click something and not click something.

they analys that with basis on that theory. and that must always 100% correct. must. just anways that must be perfect.

so leftist japan get mad only for that.

only RT or not, and youtube channel block or not.

they think that is have super power.

because it once bring them huge succeed to kill humanity.

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