this list will be very fun
+ many more leftist
japan (nation itself)
tessa violet, adam melchor, dodie clark based and their associates leftist. and many others who agree with them.
"YOU" are the pedophiles
it is yours.
your it's very own.
how world responde to me?
why all of people just trying to slightly against to me.
and trying to desperate about labeling.
just everyone know and feel it with instinct.
what is fear.
what was your exactly fear?
people actually almost every power and elites and famous.
all companiese and media.
almost just world it self.
i was resisted to it.
and people feel seriuous fear.
you people know.
exactly what is my opposite is.
you know.
your instinct know.
who you should pick a side.
and that is testosterone.
you know.
you pick a side correctly at certain point.
you are smart.
you know who will kill you piece by pieces if you speak truth.
"all of them."
every nation. every power. every elites, every companies. every media. every celebrities, every individuals every famous.
we living in serious oppression.
vaccination. 5G tower. chip implant. 15 min city.
all that thing for what.
all just control and oppression.