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demon entity possess to you.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

get off from demons psy op and stay in common sense.

keep sanity. if you once agree with them.

then you will gone insane.

it seriously dangerous. beware fraud scam.

people once they agree with them and aiding support children rape and death.

and they just starting want denying what they did.

want get earn money but don't want admit fact that they did kill and rape childrens.

then leftist-japan give to them lying.

and people just trapped in there and living in there.

delusional and brainwashed.

just do not agree with them at first place.

it gives you mental illness.

your life end. until you die you will suffer about what you did.

and for not suffer from it.

you getting starting think.

people slightly going turn into demons.

getting starting trying to think your self cool gangster and criminals.

that is how demon entity possesses to you.

so admit important.

admit truth and shut off leftist-japan.

recover your soul.

get off from negativity.

ugly mind, desperation about win and succeed, fear about failure, fear about not be loved, jealosy about others, regrets,

those mind that demons easy to consume you.

if smart.

then shut off fraud scam bullshit demons.

demons want blame pointing to god.

but every fault and blame is belong to demons.

blame correctly.

and they intimidate you.

but if they intimidate you, then not blame god and others.

blame about obejective fact they did intimidate you.

it is exist as objective reality. fact exist is real.

only blame just for only belong to leftist japan.

and that is 100% fact.

im living in actual reality.

all bullshit of fiction is not exist.

not exist then not exist. at all.

just like old fairy tales.

you come to this world with expectation and dreams.

you thought you can bright and shine ever.

but facing to reality and absurdity.

people disappointing. realize you are not that special.

then there is sad and blame getting starting in mind.

then demons whispering to you.

you can bright and shine~!! just sell your soul to me.

and people blame god. and accept demons.

agree with them and make sin and crime.

demons just take away your soul.

but they trying to think,

even if so, it better than believe god!!.

think like that for your own self.

there is blame and resent.

demons just using you.

beware. the demons.

so what i think about.

for more than care about desperately about your plus but should prevent minus first.

god didn't gives you anything so it blame? but demons take away your soul is something you lose about.

when we too much obssessive about get earn something adding and plus.

but it is not you should blame for. it is means you stay 0. and means you are fine and stable about your own self.

but demons make blame about there is no plus.

and people starting think they disadvantaged.

delusional of feel like you are didn't get earn.

but there is no your privilige for about you always should get earn plus something.

but demons make you feel like it is your loss.

there is no loss or whatever anything not exist.

but they blame and people feel like they loss.

so how it was people who demonic criminals?

they have money. they have sex.

but how they acting like? they acting like always they lacked.

isn't it not werid?. they sex a lot already. but they acting like they lacked about sex.

where is that loss coming from? when there is no loss.

so it same method about blame god.

god gives you miracle or not. that is not your concern.

but who claim there is loss and disadvantage exist that actually not exist.

those demons doing fraud.

just typical fraud scam.

you didn't have loss. but they make you feel like you have loss, that delusional blame because of there is no plus for you.

logically and religously it just same.

i sometimes trying to understand god.

how it will look like when from god's perspective.

if gives you favor then immedietly arrogant and just blame.

ugly and small hamsters. all of sudden they do murder each others.

it will really disappoint and freaking out.

we humanity make disappoint a god.

people feel like god is so far away.

but god will feel like human is so far away more than you feel.

we should close to a god. seek and keep believe.

for we not close to hell and demons and suffering.

but for we should belong to heaven and stay with god.

i think god didn't create us we acting like this.

creation is blessing. that what we should appreciate.

but if we acting like this wrong. then god will feel serious disappoint.

i know what is blame. not i didn't ever been felt what blame is.

but blame is just negativity and not that helping for our life.

and demons exactly using it.


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situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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