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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

demons laughing at you and you laughing with them. and they kill you.

what nowadays point issue is.

people should do works and job and get earn money.

live life. daily struggle of commons.

but they mandate vaccine.

and if you not injecting bio weapon.

then you should losing your job and disadvantage about your job and money and life.

that is what intidmiate and oppression.

people were knew life is unfair and living oppression.

but they started killing. murder.

for you should living, injecting experimental bio weapon to your self?

it is just don't even make sense at all.

it is just murder.

where is medical science.

it all just ruined.

and people can't their jobs and works they should have to do.

because all mandate and chaos.

they want occuring war.

war happen, then how can do things what we should have to do.?

can't predict anything.

then can't do thing that just what normal sane people should have to do.

works and jobs, and money and life.

just life that struggle.

but what is return.

they gives vaccination.


nucelar water.

murder and rape.

children death news.

agree with oppression.

now they just killing you.

they think it's okay to killing you.

because you people just saying nothing and do nothing and agree with them and laugh with them.

then they don't even treat you. just killing you.

they think you are the just okay to killing.

because you laugh with them like fucking idiot.

just pointless agree. follow anything trend.

injecting bio weapon to yourself and you laugh.

murder rape happen then just you like it.

children death and incident happen they you surprise and you like it.

you laugh with them. and just yelling sex tie knot buckle like that.

they think they just okay to kill you.

the fucking douche and losers and jerks are just failure to being itself.

just shut off them.

and all that imposters that hired paid satanist.

not just they are douche. all that just psy op imposters.

and losers jerks at same time.

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