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demons never go away. according to your aiding and support.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

Demons die and new ones come to feed And then every time you bleed You just give them what they need Yeah Demons die and new ones join the fray And they never go away No they never go away

demons never go away because you feed them

and you give them what they need.

[cut off them]

SEX!!!! PORN!!! KNOT!!! TIE!!!!

what leftist japan exactly doing?

they feed demon pedophiles.

they give them to what they need.

and children keep get raped and murdered.

cut off them.

when i saying cut off them.

cut off them.

always samething repeat.

never listen purposely.

just be yourself. and do your thing.

fucking jerks want you to what to do?

no. what you do thing is what your do thing.

you are not a puppet robot.

that is point.

if you not choose anything. if you just accept oppression gladly.

that make you turn into puppet robot.

because you acting like that.

you become that.

조회수 15회댓글 0개

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