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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

discussion about rapture.

it is very sensitive subject.

im very concerning now.

feel like i can't even mention it. actually.

but firstly, let's be don't too much be serious about this. calm down, and think comfort.

just we freely discussion? and let's think about.

and opinion is every each individual could be different.

so we respect each others.


what is purpose and what we should aim for when in this discussion?

but simply people want to know, rapture is real or not.?


for me, i will very honestly say what is my opinion, and what is my feel.

"i believe rapture. it is real. and i actually slightly feel it. time is close."

that is what my thought. how i feel. that is nothing is your labeling or your feel is not concern at all. in this. when i believe or not.

and i don't claim it others to, "there is rapture you should believe it!!"

i don't "sell" this and,

"i can't "

"i shouldn't"

"i won't."

can understand??

let't define it as "not sure"

and let's just tracking truth.

we start with presume rapture is "not sure."


rapture is real? what was "your" first thought about this. when you saw this question.

and what was exact feelings.

what is your hidden mind trying to thinking about?

most of leftist will remind this.

"that is unscientific"

it feel like magic? i correctly read your mind.

so why this reaction naturally come?

i was predicted even you before thinking about it

but also, it is very kind of predictable so much easily?

anyone can easily find out, that your mind just ..

there is your brain and some cloud pop out,

and there is text wrote exactly same like this

"that is unscientific"

so i said before this, there is very easy measure of detect what is truth and what is brainwash.

when pandemic vaccine fraud came.

it very efficiently works. right? and still it very properly works on people's mind.

but who?, mostly leftist. and all frauds. you can normally can find,

when people argument with vaccine, the leftist always saying very naturally

"that is unscientific"

i see opponent.

when i tracking truth.

why that was necessary? why that should have to needed?

where the necessary come from?

and just directly saying.

that is brainwash. it obvious and it is certain.


problem is, from evil side, they concern about rapture. and also they waiting it for themselves too.

it same like when you serching google to

covid or illuminati or flat earth

then some warning text come out.

"beware conspricy theory!!"

but just wait a second?.. flat earth???? why that is there?

do you know how i knew earth is lying?

because "you" backwardly telling truth. through your filthy labeling.

and rapture is same.

nobody telling you anything.

but the opponent.

the warlord and the illuminati.

they care about it for themselves first.

i found that several times.

and when i saw the they also preparing and care about rapture.

yes, it kind of serious.

when saw the movie "nope" jordan peele.

there was also hidden brainwash.

about trying to make people to negative image about your body floating.

UFO that lifting your body and it is danger and threat.

but also,

in predictable illuminati plan.

there is UFO related thing was there.

and think, why it is there?? why ? for what? why need that?

one of their plan. it including some UFO incident.

there is many interpretation about this, in awaken people.

when rapture happen. then they will attempt covering it with aliens invasion and they kidnap the people. like thing.

and there was UFO articles appeared slightly.

and i don't know how UFO stuff come. which method or how.

but it seems quite relate with rapture.

and why evil backwardly they want rapture come?

because evil purpose is take remained one.

so they trying to make remain people as much they can.

that's why all labeling and mocking joke exist.


let's once denying it purposely.

it is also good process when critical thinking.

not just believe or not, think every case.

what if rapture is not real. what if it also one of their trick? from evil side.

what if just everything is lying and there is no single truth?

when you first encountering to question of rapture is real or not.

there will be also these kind of feelings could hiding in your mind.

"if it is real. then i will believe god, but if it is not real. then i don't believe god"

that mind. and labeling. just obvious.

"omg it is fraud!!! "

that's why i can't and i shouldn't say about rapture.

your hellish people just always treat everything like that. right?

so regardless those garbages already pledged to hell their souls.

but just denying it purposely.

so rapture is not come unlikely you expected

then you will starting complaining.

and there is actual case exist.

some fraud church attempted rapture is come!!

and it didn't came.

these kind of case exist normally.

and i absolutely don't sell anything.

there is nothing. so japanese claim me is fraud. but for what?

where is fraud ? exactly.

and when rapture is not a real.

it also awaken people presume.

it could be also one of trick from evil side.

some UFO come, space ship come, so make people gathering.

and just throw away to ocean. because evil don't need them.

what is also one of guessing. when really really cruelly think.

they could be already they can able to copying our conciousness to digital.

so they prepare fake heaven in digital.

and they kill us at once, only who resist to them.

and right before they kill us with 5G weapon.

copying our conciousness and our copied concisousness think

we are in heaven.

but i already enough discussed this issue.

digitalized copied conciousness is not us.

that is also fraud of old rich people to eternal life.

but it also can used by rapture fruad. i was guessed.

so how can stop it.?

before your conciousness copied to digital.

but what if you already know about that issue.

then, your copied conciousness could realize that heaven is fake or not.

that cyber eternity is real or not.

only for that. it can prevent both of possiblity about every kind of attempt of copying our conciousness digtal.

when even if we dying. after we dying. but copied conciousness also have that awareness. then may could that poor copied idiot can notice themselves for truth.


so why i trying to discussion rapture is,

it is nice to onetime think about. and also there could be many attempt about evil lying.

so we prepare and we can prevent.


you think what is most concern?


the case of,

when rapture is real.

nothing to saying. actually.

if it is real. then what.

that is all.

so actually it is more serious, more than when it is not real.

can understand?

why i trying to discussion about it?

just in case.

but that "just in case" is feel like ..

very serious.

so regardless believe or not,

regardless it is real or not.

once it happened.

then.. there is no way to i can help people anymore.

that is my concern.

it so hard to saying.

i can't saying it is real

i can't saying it is not real.

no one can decide that.

so, just don't trying to think it is real or not.

don't trying to approch with fraud mind or labeling.

don't need to do that.

it's okay.

but think about what we really should care about?

also i concern about this case.

when in case of you remained.

but there is also two case exist.

-when it is real. but you remained

-when it is some evil fraud. but you remained

so it will very confuse. when once it happen and when you remained.

but world will keep talk about it but there is no way you can know what is real or not.

then just remind all my guidance.


do backward with world.

whatever world saying that is lying.

and there will be second chance.

then you will know what you should do.

awake and see world correctly. with intuition and compassion.

repent, be kind and be nice to others. confess your faith. praying.

with true hearts. and throw away. fraud mind. control all your negativity.

just in case.


anyways, we discussed it. and just forgot about it.


don't need to obssess or freaking out with this.

once explore with critical thinking.

and everything is fine.

discussion is over.

live life in trust of goodness in yours and all others.


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