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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

discussion about technology

technology is.

like knife is when using it for good purpose and good people. then it useful.

but if psychopath and leftist using it then it stab people.

so this is issue.

same technology but how to know it is good or evil.

but we can't just ban knife from world.

so it go into matter of free will.

so there is some illuminati have ideal of vaccination and brainchip implant technology.

so if people who criminals that who can't control themselves.

brainchip implant to them. only for criminals.

and also voluntary for people who feel they can't control themselves.

like leftist criminals.

they can ask help for when they feel not sure about themselves.

they trying to keep do crime.

so when leftist felt you have no confidence and sure for control yourself and if you feel suffer from it.

then ask brainchip implant for yourself. for your treatment for your crime self.

but rest of people who can control themselves with free will. they don't need that technology.

that shouldn't be mandated.

only for criminals and leftist who need help for control themselves and also illuminati for themselves.

apply to only that kind of people.

leftist they don't have will to control themselves.

and they feel suffer. and they just living in hell. it must brainchiped.

but not others~~~

and just see. only leftist agree with illuminati.


because it just naturally~ you know.

criminals know criminals.

they so much agree with illuminati very well.

they never resist. because they need brainchip implanted.

there will be reason why leftist so much agree with criminals.

like magnet. they just attract to that agenda naturally. their natural born criminal self.


my suggestion is maybe very correct and best i think.

illuminati could also think, they why there is technology but why can't using it?.

so it is matter of how to using it.

and you didn't discussed that with people.

and trying to apply it to entire humanity with out agreement and with forcing violence.

and that is simply crime.

and people. don't just silenced and if you really want involve to politics or world crisis then seek truth and discuss correctly.

not just trying to pick your side or only care about your fraud profit.

if you want claim your opinion then just discuss about what is wrong. and do not discuss about only surface.

there was vaccination that false fake medicine.

and discuss about parasite and nanographene and oppression.

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