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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

discussion of what is digitalized eternal life?

digitalize mind is this,

when if people who old and going to die soon, in that "situation".

it look like life "continue" like relay baton passed.

but when think about it again,

brain copy to digital space and there is two of you exist but giving up real you. instead of copy of you.

and copied you live but that is data.

it just "death".

life not "continue" it is confuse and optical illusion and misunderstanding.

what if using that technology to young and healthy people?

just copied, and there is two life live different way.

this is trick!!

it is not even eternal life.

make copy of you and killing you.

that is all.

it is not for you.

but maybe could be just recording your existance to digital space. maybe your family or friends and others can remember you like just some museum antique but can conversation with it through avatar of your copy of data conciousness. but it is not your eternal life.

it is more like, just some funenral service for you will remain your digitalized fucking bullshit as zoo animal for your remianed family and friends or not. before you die and perish completely.


will you remain your digitalized recording copy of you? for your family ? and also that coppied version of you can keep bothering your family and firends eternally instead of you.

when past days, you know, warriors want remain their legend and story.

then just live life some greater.

and should more be clearly define it.

not trying to selling it like eternal life.

it look like eternal life but it is not.

technology is just technology.

조회수 5회댓글 0개

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